11:11 help...

Hey everyone hope you are enjoying the holidays. I´m very much into the codes, all of them but all of a sudden I'm seeing all of them the whole day....I would like to know why I´m seeing all the codes?, I see the codes everywhere the whole day, I got digital watches around the house and everytime I see one of them I see the codes, to the point of being too much I think, I´m going through changes in my life, and I know that codes can also be messages from my angels, but I'm seeing every group of codes as the day progresses so I don´t really know what to think or do more then to ask for help. Only yesterday I saw 41 codes... I´m trying not to pay to much attention to it but still If I want to know the time I will always see a code... And even without wanting to know the time I would always see a code.. Sometimes it's just frustrating that I think what they mean and I do what I´m supposed to, but they keep on showing up...Love and LightNamasteValenttina

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  • The 11:11 is a frecuency from The Great Piramid.
    So an specific group wakes-up.
    The event of 9-11 was a very mean intent
    to interfere in the process of awekening of the group 11:11.
    They tried........but they ....failed.
    We were suposed to go throug the process peacefully...not traumatically.
    Anyone who believes they have a mission......They Do.
  • They are telling you that they are here for you, and are willing to help and assist you on your journey through life here on Earth.
  • his may help, if you want these numbers to be the meanings you seek, then put the intention out there for it to be and these numbers can be used as a guide. Other than that, these numbers have usually been right on for me.

    111 - This sign is used to indicate that your thoughts are related to the start of a new cycle in your life. What you are thinking about doing or changing is correct for the new phase of your life.

    222 - This is a sign of confirmation that you are on the right path, doing the right thing and going in the right direction. Continue with this train of thought.

    333 - This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

    444 - This sign from your Spirit Guides signifies their disagreement with your thoughts and feelings and can be interpreted as a Cosmic 'No!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

    555 - When you see this sign a life changing thought or event has just occurred. You may not like it, or you may. Whatever the case your Spirit Guides are notifying you that a change in your life path direction has just occurred and it is time for you to change too. Move with it, follow these thoughts.

    666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world or due to mental or emotional imbalance. This sign indicates your thoughts are not clear and you should not continue with this train of thought. Let it pass.

    777 - This sign indicates that a lesson has been learnt. It is a sign of acknowledgment and achievement - you have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn about your life.

    888 - A phase of your life is about to end and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase.

    999 - Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Your thoughts at the time of seeing this sign indicate that these thoughts will bring about the completion or end of a phase in your life.

    000 - Unity with the Universe. Your thoughts are in Unity with the Universe. This sign indicates that your thoughts are in Unity with the Divine Wish for your life.

    Signs on the Spiritual Path

    The following signs are used by our Spirit Guides to guide us on our Spiritual Path. These signs let us know how we are doing and what we need to do next. These Spirit Guide signs refer to your life/spiritual path in terms of weeks, months and years:

    111, 1111 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path. Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.

    121, 1221, 2121, 2211, 1122 - These signs indicate that your current train of thought is correct for your Spiritual Path. These thoughts are your focus and following these will lead you along your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, 'You're following your path!'.

    131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path.

    141, 1441, 1414, 4411, 1144 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'No!' - these thoughts are not on your path.

    151, 1551, 1515, 5511, 1155 - These signs indicate that a change on your path has just occurred. Whether you like it or not, it is correct for you and is on your Spiritual Path. Proceed in the new direction.

    161, 1661, 1616, 6611, 1166 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are out of balance with your Spiritual Path. These signs are like road markings Spirit Guides use to keep us on the right path and prevent us straying down the wrong one. This sign is the opposite of 121, 1221, etc. and advises that your focus has strayed off your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, 'You're not following your path!'.

    171, 1771, 1717, 7711, 1177 - These signs indicate that a lesson had been learnt on your Spiritual Path. You have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn, one that is important and is necessary for you to progress on your path.

    181, 1881, 1818, 8811, 1188 - These signs indicate that a phase of your life is about to come to an end. These signs indicate that your thoughts regarding some part of your life are in line with your Spiritual Path and, by following these thoughts, the phase you are thinking about will eventually come to end.

    191, 1991, 1919, 9911, 1199 - These signs indicate the completion or ending of a phase on your Spiritual Path. The phase may or may not have come to an actual end at the time of seeing these signs, but, if you follow the thoughts you have at the time of seeing this sign, this phase will come to a complete end.

    Number 0 - Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.

    Number 1 - Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.

    Number 2 - Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.

    Number 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.

    Number 4 - Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.

    Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.

    Number 6 - Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.

    Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.

    Number 8 - Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifestor.

    Number 9 - Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending.

    Numerology is created from the Latin word 'numerus', which means 'number', and the Greek word 'logos', which means 'word', 'thought', 'expression'. Therefore, the numerology can be defined as 'the science of numbers'. Since ancient times people have used created a mystical relationship between numbers and the character or action of physical objects and living things. Currently numerology is used to predict the future and better understand human behavior patterns.

    Reality is created by numeric codes. Thus numbers are the universal language. These numbers repeat in cycles creating patterns of experience - Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Ratio, and the architectural blueprint of our reality, also known as Sacred Geometry = SG = Stargate = Alchemy Wheel - 12 Around 1.

    Human consciousness and our DNA are digitally encoded by these numbers - much like a computer program. They have their trigger points like an alarm clock, to awaken us as we move through the alchemy of time and consciousness.

    As all things are linked through the grids - Numerology is connected to Astrology -- Tarot -- and Palmistry - all of which are linked to physical sciences. Amazing how it all synchronizes together.
  • maybe you are a " keeper of time " hehehe

    I think that is very assumable

    the kabbalah is more about archetyping experience into hieroglyphs than evaluating message out of numbers
    .english words also carry numerical values for example your name valenttina has the value 708 which is the same as the following, 708 = Great Work, Alchemystic, Unicursal, Limitless, Sephiroth, Theoricus, Fierce Lust, Wonderful, Cancellarius, Coagulation, Our Chosen, Servants, Thoughts, Incarnation, and many other.
    Then again like ryan mentioned 666 is a number to see. But what to read is just on you baby.
    The same numerical values in english are for example : 666 = Christos, Solar Adept, Sun-Kerub, Babe of Baphomet, Demiurgos, Strength, Perfection, Law of Love, Mystos, Noumenon, Emanations, Secret Key, Buttocks, Abramelin Oil, Computer, Autocratic, Angel of Mars, Inner Demon, Witchcraft, Necromancy, The Gross, Prithivi.

    I have to add that nothing should be taken too seriously :=)

    the fact is.
    natural time is nice
    life is beautiful.

    þetta eru engin geimvísindi
    bara tölur á blaði

  • I see them as personal gateways (portals) Sudden bursts of Iam-Knowning. Helpers to keep you awake and vigilant.
    • Thanks for the reply, that's how I see them too. It's just that sometimes it's a little too much :/
  • Hey there.. I found that it is important to pay attention to your thoughts before or immediately after you see the numbers appear. It usually means you are on track with your frame of mind at the time, 666 would mean maybe a little off at the moment....hope this helps. R_
    • thanks for the reply dear, love and light to ya!
  • Hi Valenttina, ya caught my eyes with the 11:11 titles! Yeah Girl! :)
    You are probably seeing codes because you are aware of codes. This is a good thing
    And you know that codes can be messages, so you know it is worth seeing them, even better. I think we are in the same boat. 11:11 is an "unfamiliar" familiarity to me, perchance. :) I know that sort of frustration. Codes have been poppin' for me, too. But there are too many things already in this world gettin us frustrated, yeah? So when they kept coming around, & I saw it, heads up, it & its sisters.. [other combination I felt were there & really special], I began seeing them & figuring out what I felt of its correlation. It's done me nothing but good. I might not know all the answers to what is calling, but I know that there's more out there, like you, & that's worth the attention being called...

    A Very Happy New Year!
    • I know it's a very very good thing and I'm feeling connected to them, the thing is that seeing up to 47 codes a day I think is a little too much... :/, But I love the fact that my angels and guides are around all the time .)
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