Post your favorite 11:11 synchronicity
I have many to choose from but here's mine. When the 11:11s started for me a little over a year ago, I started to try testing it but quickly realized it would never happen when I expected it to. It would always take me by surprise in some way. One evening I hadn't looked at a clock in a while. I wasn't really sure what time it was but I suddenly got the idea in my head that it might be 11:11 time. I rushed to the kitchen and looked at the clock on the stove. It read 11:13 and I thought,…
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not coincidence can offer info. about any meaning.please make share your
comment if possible. apreciated. namaste. thanks.
I was born on the 11th so have a master day number. Numerologically I add up to a 7 and I was also born at 10.10 as well.. interesting synchronicities. I constantly see my 10.10 number and it reminds me of my birth time.. my one and only son was born at 12.10..?