Discuss, share and vent your views on 2012 and Beyond
MAYAN PROPHESY COMES TRUE In 2004 I returned from the Mayan lands I started composing a Mayan CD. The ancient ones gave me the galactic activation tones that I put on the CD. As I was writing, I received a message / prophesy that in 2012 the star family was going to activate the ancient pyramids. They told me this was to keep Mother Earth from shifting her axis too drastically and help raise the Earth’s frequency's. I put the prophecy image on my Mayan Landing CD Cover here on the left. On 12…
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Eb 9 Love Thy Self
I am Eb 9. Welcome to this time of sharing. We would like to thank you for joining with us to help each other as we transcend lower energies and elevate ourselves to a higher space of love. When we help you, it also assists us with our ascension process.
Today we would like to continue on the topic of love. Unconditional love is a current buzzword. What does it mean in its pure Essence? “Unconditional” means with no conditions, no judgments and in its basic sense, there is no need for concern. All conditions are acceptable; there are no parameters. There is no judgment placed on its value. All is allowed.
How many of you can look at each person, place and event and proclaim that you have unconditional love? How many of you have unconditional love for yourself? I daresay there are very few. Unconditional love is difficult to attain in this Realm, although it is possible.
If you are ready to begin the process of experiencing unconditional love for yourself and all others, we have some pointers we would like to share with you.
1. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure.
2. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself; choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors.
3. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim.
4. Be kind to yourself and all others.
5. Smile at everyone and everything. It is hard to hold onto negative thoughts when you have a smiling face and heart.
6. When you find yourself making a judgment about anything, change your thought immediately.
7. Be mindful of every action you take, that it comes from a sense of love and not obligation.
8. Choose carefully how you spend your time. Even watching a violent movie will take you into that space, creating the possibility of that scenario re-occurring on the Earth plane.
9. Talk with others with opposing views until you have the ability to accept their opinion. You need not believe what they say, but learn to allow them to believe what they choose without feeling a need to sway them to your side.
10. Look at various cultures and religious institutions and adopt those customs that are meaningful to you. Know that not two of you on Earth share exactly the same belief codes.
We encourage you to take time to ponder these words and integrate those that feel right to you. Practice them until they are second nature and you will be well on your Path to loving unconditionally. http://mymayan.weebly.com/
http://www.thunderbeat.com 7 DAY JOURNEY -8 Temples, the 13:13 Sound Activation Ceremony in the Great Pyramid , Sphinx, Cairo Museum. Includes all meals and 5 star hotel. Price $3333 each. Double occupancy. JAN 8th – JAN 20th 2013 Full details at www.thunderbeat.com Click on Egypt Journey
Thank you nighteyes.. looking forward to hearing what information you have :)
and thank you to you too fence sitter! I will certainly look up the names you have given me when I get a chance and do some further reserch! so far, according to my reserach, the Mayan calanders predictions have been pretty accurate so far but some people think 2012 is going to be a massive destruction as in the world exploding or something along those lines haha I think its more of a big universal change where we enter a new era and the world as we currently know it will be different and run differently etc.. things may get more difficult in terms of cost of living etc.. I have also watched a very good documentary that showed some interesting astrological facts saying that we are entering the era of PIECES and our eras and periods of time are based on the zodiac.. very interesting and worth looking up! :)
GypsyGirl, this is most likely the first place I connected Nibiru with planet X 6 or 7 years ago. Stitchen has excellent info and lots of research he has done makes this theory plausible. Also Nancy lieder on the Pole shift Ning refers to this event causing a shift and lots of info with pics of the planet now just around Pluto. I was channeled info one time 30 years ago that warned us of a great destruction coming to the planet and the Mayan calendar has brought a lot of attention to this year on it also.
i am planning a trip to lamanai (belize) and tulum (mexico) in a few weeks. does anyone have any suggestions or information about power centers or other energetic phenomonon at either of those 2 places?
hey gypsygirl. yes, i have heard mention of this, but i will have to look through some of my resources. i'll get back with you on that. and to star caretaker, i have a rhetorical question for you................when has it ever mattered to the christian church (and specifically the vatican) whether or not they have anything to do with the lives of the indians? if what you say is true (and i wouldn't doubt it), it is just another step in the repression of indian spirituality that started as soon as the europeans set foot in the new world we are so appalled by the torture and abuses of the catholic church in history, that we don't see what is right under our gaze. i wish the indians much power.
Dear Fence sitter and Night eyes.. I am an ancient history student at university and I have noticed that you have mentioned the planet Niburu and the Anannuki.. In my research, and through a web page I am on via faceboook, I have noticed that a british archaeologist dicovered an ancient Sumerian tablet that he believes is describing that the ancient Summerians noticed the planet Niburu in the sky and knew detaills about the race of the Anannuki. Have you guys heard of this theory and information before? if so have you got anything to elaborate on it?..very interested in this topic! GypsyGirl Xx
update on Anannuki, they have ascended.
guess i'm afraid i have spent more time on the ion ring than i have on niburu. i'll check it out. thanks.
On Nancy Leiders Ning there are pictures of Niburu coming in with moon swirls. Estimated out around Pluto and other amateur sky watchers are seeing more of the incoming planet. The rotten egg smell is increasing all over the world and red waters showing up from the planets red dust and those eerie sounds people are hearing because of the plates moving. Starting to get serious now.