Discuss, share and vent your views on 2012 and Beyond
MAYAN PROPHESY COMES TRUE In 2004 I returned from the Mayan lands I started composing a Mayan CD. The ancient ones gave me the galactic activation tones that I put on the CD. As I was writing, I received a message / prophesy that in 2012 the star family was going to activate the ancient pyramids. They told me this was to keep Mother Earth from shifting her axis too drastically and help raise the Earth’s frequency's. I put the prophecy image on my Mayan Landing CD Cover here on the left. On 12…
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I recommend you listening to, to the 11 video 's on youtube (the 1st one was posted here by Joseph L)
1 is all about manifesting what you truely desire, so staying positive amist these vibrational changes is an absolute must.
0 being the Creator energy(God Point etc..), the beginning without end.
Here we have the number 1 again, everything we think about is starting to come true, thus we can drop our fears, releasing them to transform into positive feelings that in turn manifest the higher vibrations within us.
2 Believing in yourself and in the NOW that everything is going to be fine!
And should we need a little boost now and then, always call on your guardians and angels, higher energies. Universal law forbids our angels to become involved until we call upon them, so? Keep them all busy and use the Universes resources to change this world for the better! All it takes is one thought, at one moment from all of us to create that which we all desire.