Simple Melchizedek Initiation
I hope this brings u great happiness and clarity*================================================================Dear, Aspirants of Truth , by reading what follows, you will receive full attunement and activation to the Melchizedek Synthesis Ray and the related activations.The Melchizedek Synthesis Ray is a fourfold cosmic ray. This energy stream is called the ray of creation and and impetus to spiritual freedom. It is directly overlit by Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and…
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those beautiful images. Blessings to you.
Thank you.
Infinite compassion.
Find compassion for the infinite opportunities and abundance of your world.
Release thoughts of limitation and beliefs, that you may have learned by experiencing sadness and isolation. Remove limitations of all kinds from your thought pattern! Embrace the infinite, the universe of infinite ways.
Believe in the impossible and the unexpected, because expectations are limitations, that are closing down the conscious awareness of limitless love for life.
Let the universal mirror respond! Anything is possible, because you are creation! Have compassion for your life as a whole – it means, that there is no illusion of blame, lack and boredom, but only limitless opportunities and constant change for the better, that follows your true heart core.
Compassion means, that you take everything in, hugging it close to your heart and appreciating everything, that you meet on your way, which was brought to your attention. In that way, you expand your own universe and then the outer universe will smile with love for you first in the “mirror” of your life; the actual physical life and not only philosophically.
Copyright 2010.
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