Are you from Arcturus? Share your knowledge about the Arcturians.
A Message From Suzanne Lie Caroll.....Being A Portal Opener.....
Being a Portal Opener Dear Ascending Ones,We are happy that you are able to join us. We the Arcturians have deeply connected with, walked into, and/or merged with your consciousness. Many of you here have spent many incarnations within our Arcturian reality and/or the Pleiadian realities. Because of these incarnations, you have chosen to take a physical earth vessel at this particular NOW of Gaia's transmutation. You see, the Arcturians and Pleiadians have watched over and incarnated on Gaia…
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Change your scenery and visit somewhere new!
Align with The Divine Within
A Little Angel was Born
On July 24th at 10:22 A.M. a beautiful angel was born unto our human condition; her presence will be felt and her mission of love a powerful force for good.
Her name is Alyssa Isadora
Alyssa Isadora was born into the care and loving parenting of her mother, STAR
and her father, Rune
Please offer little Alyssa Isadora your prayers and blessings for health and prosperity as she grows into her loving mission and please congratulate both STAR & Rune who are parents of Alyssa Isadora by divine order.
Light & Love,
My home planet is Arcturus. I feel connection with them, and wrote a song in tribute to ARCTURUS. I am so happy to bring the vibe from Arcturus. I hope you all enjoy in music=)