Charging Personal and Planetary Spiritual Batteries


     Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians.  We wish to explore the concept of downloading of energy and, in particular, the downloading of higher energy from other dimensions.  This is an important concept for many reasons.  Many of the starseeds may be struggling to hold their spiritual light and their spiritual energy.


     The planet Earth may be struggling.  The struggle with the planet is different in that the Earth has gone through some dramatic changes over the history of her existence.  However, the Earth is being called upon now to make adjustments and to make energy transformations in a rapid period.  In a very short time Earth changes will require a great deal of energy and input from higher dimensions to balance the biosphere.


     The concept of a battery will be helpful as a metaphor for this discussion.  As you know, the battery is a device that stores electrical current, and it is measured in certain electromagnetic energy descriptions, such as volts or amperages.  The car battery is a device in your automobile which must be charged, in many cases by an alternator, which sends voltages to the battery so that the battery can provide electrical power to run your vehicle.


     Sometimes the alternator, as the source of the electrical charge of the battery, breaks.  Therefore, there is no way to charge the battery unless there is a new alternator.  In this case, the battery runs on reserve power.  That reserve power is stored capacity.  The stored electrical current from the battery can provide the necessary charge for the operation of the vehicle until a new source, in this case an alternator, can be placed so that the charging can continue.


     In some batteries, the storage reserve can be as long as an hour or an hour and twenty minutes.  This means that your automobile would be able to run for a given period of time without a charging source.


     Let us take this metaphor and consider that you are a battery.  Instead of electrical current, you are holding spiritual light.  Spiritual light has a very fine charge.  Spiritual light has a very fine energy.  The capacity to hold this spiritual energy is dependent upon you as a vessel and how you train yourself.  Even beyond this storage capacity, there is another function of this that I need to describe.  Many of your spiritual and mystical religions already suggest the concept that I am going to introduce.  This concept is that every person, when they are born, is given an initial charge, an initial life force energy, that determines how long they are going to live on the planet and how much energy they can expend.


     Some people like to measure this energy capacity that you are given at birth by the number of years that you are able to survive on the Earth.  You might say that one person has a capacity or a life force charge to live 85 years.  Another person only has the capacity to live 70 years.  Some people only have capacities to live 10 or 12 years.  It is beyond the scope of this discussion to elaborate on why some people are given more of a life charge than others.  Let me just say that a lot of it is predetermined by your soul family and by your soul mission.  Let me also say that we, the Arcturians, believe it is not only based on years.  I would not say to you that you only have enough charge for a given amount of time.  Rather, your time on Earth can be based on how you are able to sustain and receive energy.  There are certain activities that shorten your battery’s capacity, which is your own self-capacity.  A very simple example would be engaging in war, drugs and alcohol.  These substances produce what we can call lower vibrations.  Lower vibrations actually negatively affect your ability to hold a life charge.  This also means that the opposite is true.  Higher energy, higher activities actually can sustain and can lengthen the ability to hold a charge, to hold the spirit in this body for a longer length of time.


     Many of you who are starseeds are older and have already transcended the charge that you were given when you came into this Earth.  Many of you were programmed and were given a charge for a given length of time, and it might have been for 72-74 years.  Through your spiritual work and your energy work, you have accumulated an additional capacity and an additional charge to sustain yourself longer than the time that was originally given to you at entry point into the Earth.  This then reiterates the point that you are given a certain life charge for this incarnation, but you can lengthen the life charge, especially if you are involved in spiritual activities.


     The charge and the length of time that you spend here is not the sole measurement for your life success.  An example of someone who was only on the Earth for a short time was Jesus/Sananda.  He carried a tremendous energetic charge.  The charge that he carried far transcended thousands of lifetimes that normal people would be able to sustain.  The energetic charge that he distributed throughout the planet cannot be measured at all by the length of years that he walked the Earth.


     I want to now explain this concept of the reserve capacity because many of you are struggling with holding the spiritual energy that you have sustained or have achieved.  A good example of that would be attending a spiritual workshop and receiving a high spiritual vibration.  After a week or two, the spiritual energy you obtained is dissipated and you no longer feel the charge.  For whatever reason, the work that you did at the workshop did not affect, or you did not allow it to affect, your storage capacity for holding the spiritual light.  One of the most important concepts for you to develop is strengthening your spiritual storage capacity.  It is necessary to be able to hold the spiritual light, even if you are not able to transmit spiritual energy to others for whatever reason.


     If your alternator in your car is failing, then hopefully you have the best battery which has the biggest reserve capacity.  Such a battery will have the “reserve” charge to take you to the nearest repair center.  There you can either install a new battery or a new alternator so that your charging can be continued.  You may not necessarily need a new battery, but you may need to get yourself to a new charging source.


     There is a reason why I am telling you this metaphor.  I know it is obvious to many of you that the energetic charge, the spiritual charge that is working and sustaining many of you, is sometimes being cut off or sometimes it is being blocked.  For a variety of reasons, the charge is not getting through and you may lose your spiritual focus, centeredness.  The charge of spiritual light that has been sustaining you may be weakening.  At that point I want you to remember this discussion.  You must at that point tie in to your reserve capacity, or your spiritual reserve capacity.  Many of you like little abbreviations.  So, spiritual reserve capacity can be called “SRC.”  We have talked about the SLQ, the spiritual light quotient, and today we talk about the spiritual reserve capacity.  I, Juliano, want to ask you:  How is your spiritual reserve capacity?  How long can you sustain yourself if you were suddenly spiritually cut off?


     You might say, “What are you talking about Juliano?  What do you mean cut off?  Why would spiritual light and spiritual energy be cut off?”  The answer to that is somewhat complex.  The first answer is that sometimes the densities on the Earth are so strong that the spiritual light can be temporarily blocked.  Sometimes the environment that you are in, the people that you are around, can create a denser field that is hard to lift yourself out of.  This could be even in family situations or in work situations.  Sometimes there are environmental catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, snowstorms, blizzards that make it difficult to spiritually connect.  Sometimes there are illnesses in the body that focus your energy away from your spiritual work and spiritual light.


     Many of you have already heard about this concept of the null zone.  I know that concept was popular several years ago and some people had thought the Earth was supposed to enter a null zone, and then the energy would be blocked out and there would be no electromagnetic current able to flow.  All the computers would fail and other such things.  This never happened.  People then felt that idea of the null zone was not a correct notion.  Actually, the concept of the null zone is a very accurate description of spiritual energy and electromagnetic energy occurrences, because there are null zones.  One example of a null zone would be the Bermuda Triangle, where if someone was using electromagnetic energy or current and went into that area, then normal current wouldn’t work anymore.


     There are null zones in the Earth’s path around the Sun.  More importantly, the Earth and the solar system’s path around the center of the galaxy contain null zones.  Because the Earth revolves around the galaxy over such a long period, there exist no accurate historical descriptions of the path of the whole solar system or of the Earth’s sun around the galaxy.  The closest approximation or attempt to describe any energy that would come to the Earth during this long galactic path is the Mayan concept of the 2012.  In this concept a description is offered of an energy shift that is coming from the galactic source, or the galactic center.  Even that description is not very detailed because all you are getting is this one description at this center point known as the Winter Solstice of 2012.  There is no other information about other energies that could be forthcoming on that path.  I would say that the Mayans were probably more aware of that long energetic, but this information was lost.


     I do not feel that it is unusual or a sign of weakness that you would experience being cut off temporarily from spiritual light, or your energetic charge of spiritual energy.  I would expect and hope from the knowledge that we are getting, especially in this lecture, that if you were temporarily cut off from spiritual energy, then you would be able to operate on your spiritual reserve.  I also hope that we can explore the certain lessons on how to hold and to improve your capacity to hold this light so that you have the longest reserve capacity possible.  This will be important in the coming days, the coming times, during the coming Earth change times.


     Now I will make a slight digression.  Some of you in earlier lifetimes had your batteries totally drained and your spiritual capacity was totally drained through some traumatic events.  An example of a traumatic event might be a holocaust, or Native Americans being overridden through wars and terror, or someone experiencing some type of nuclear trauma.  You have heard me talk before about nuclear traumas.  There is something within the nuclear energy field that totally depletes the spiritual capacity of the person and the battery power so that coming back into another lifetime, these people might be operating for a while on a deficit.  I know this may sound strange to you.  After such traumas, there could be a deficit in spiritual power and spiritual energy in the next lifetime.  Sometimes you might even have negative energy to come back into another lifetime.  You might find in the next life that you have a lack of capacity to hold spiritual light and that you also have difficulty in gathering that light or finding spiritual light.


     At this time, there is a tremendous grace, an opportunity to expand your spiritual capacity.  There is a tremendous opportunity to store spiritual light and spiritual energy.  There is a tremendous opportunity to learn the ways of downloading the higher spiritual light.  This then can lead into the next discussion which is the downloading of spiritual light, particularly the downloading of spiritual light from the fifth dimension.  The related step is the downloading of the spiritual light for the planet.  The planet Earth also operates on the same principles that we are discussing for you personally.  The planet Earth actually has a spiritual capacity.  The planet Earth has an ability to store spiritual energy and spiritual light.


     There is within your energy field the capacity to bring down higher energies and spiritual light and to expand your energy field, so that you can expand the time that your body can stay on the planet.  Focus the time on Earth as measured in terms of experiences and light.


     The changes that you are going through have put a strain on the physical body, in part because the physical body wasn’t programmed initially to follow this path.  Because of the changes that you are going through, you need a greater spiritual light and spiritual energy to solidify the changes you are going through and to hold this energy.  The Earth charge, the alternator, is not producing and cannot keep up with the spiritual current that you are needing.  That is like saying to you that your car is now suddenly requiring more electrical power, but your alternator in the car can’t keep up with it and you need a bigger alternator to produce more electrical current.  In the same way, you, to sustain yourselves at the spiritual level that you want to hold, you need more spiritual charge.  The older methods, the Earth methods for charging spiritually, cannot keep up with what your needs are.  You must look to another source and that other source is the fifth-dimensional energy fields that we are originating from.


     The Earth also needs a higher source of electrical or spiritual charge because the Earth is having difficulty as a spirit body, as a planetary spirit, to hold the spiritual charge that is necessary to sustain the biosphere.  The current Earth energy sources are struggling to keep it into a balance.  It is true that the Earth will continue even if the biosphere is thrown out of balance from man’s perspective.  The Earth is a living being that has a life expectancy in billions of years.  We are not talking about the Earth losing its physical body, but we are talking about the Earth losing its spiritual energy.  You cannot have life without spirit.  You cannot have spirit without spiritual energy.  If the Earth loses its spiritual charge, then the biosphere will collapse.  What can be done to sustain the spiritual charge to keep the energy of the Earth going, and at the same time, what can be done to improve and increase the spiritual light for you as lightworkers?  How can we create a spiritual reserve capacity or lengthen or expand the spiritual reserve storage capacity of the Earth?   How can we expand and lengthen your spiritual capacity in your physical incarnation?



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  • Part II.

    I would like for you to meditate on that for a moment before I give you a perspective on it. Let us go into a meditation for a brief time and meditate on those questions, and then I will return and express our viewpoints on this. (Brief period of meditation follows.)

    I will first speak about the charge of spiritual light for the Earth and how we perceive the improvement of the receiving capacity and the storage capacity of the Earth. The Earth is able to hold energy, especially spiritual energy and life force energy, through its sacred power spots. There are many special power spots on the planet. The Earth is able to hold and transfer its spiritual energy through the ley lines which we have compared to the meridians in the Chinese acupuncture perspective. From our perspective, the activation of the 12 etheric crystals is especially important as additional sources of powerful charge. This means that the Earth can hold fifth-dimensional energy with the assistance of etheric crystals. It also is true that the fifth- dimensional energy is a highly refined current spiritual force electrical charge that can withstand certain Earth abuses and drains. This type of etheric energy has a greater ability to be stored. This is to say that the nature of the energy improved its ability to be stored. The fifth-dimensional spiritual light has such powerful characteristics. One of the most useful characteristics in particular has to do with the ability to be stored. We know that defining and creating these 12 etheric crystal areas has added huge spiritual energy reserves throughout the planet. It has helped to make those spiritual areas have greater capacity to store energy and a greater capacity to transfer energy.

    The unfortunate fact is that many other of the sacred power spots on the Earth have been damaged. Many of the sacred power spots on the Earth have not been properly protected. Many of the ancient peoples’ sacred energies have not been sustained. These ancient peoples were guardians of sacred spots. Many of the Grandfather and Grandmother spirits that were living in the mountains, living in the forests, living in the lakes to hold this spiritual energy for the planet have left. Why? To hold their sacred energy, they need a protective energy connection to the third dimension. Therefore, if there is not a protective sacred energy field that is interacting with them, then it becomes harder for them to stay. It becomes harder for the power spots to hold the energy and to keep the spiritual reserve capacity.

    But, a newer energy source, which is from the fifth dimension, has the ability to transcend and to be able to reestablish sacred power spots’ storage capacity of spiritual light and energy. That is one of the functions of the 12 etheric crystals that we have been working so hard with you on. That it is why it is important to continue to work on connecting with the etheric crystals. That is why we designated meditation times for you. One of the focuses of the meditation is that you visualize each of these crystals and each of these areas as sacred power spots. Visualize etheric crystals downloaded into the Earth as special fifth-dimensional power spots. They have now been given the function and have now been given the purpose to store spiritual energy, just like a battery stores electrical current. These etheric places have now the function of storing higher spiritual light and higher spiritual energy. Their storage capacity is far stronger than what normal power places on the Earth can store. These designated etheric areas now have extraordinary ability to store powerful spiritual light and spiritual energy. They are very needed now. Also the spiritual storage capacity can become lengthened. Their storage capacity can be lengthened through focused group meditations. For example, focus and meditation hourly on the 12 etheric crystals throughout the planet will be very effective. It just so happens that a charge from one crystal then goes to another crystal. This is similar to the idea of parallel batteries. Batteries in parallel and the world of electromagnetic energy are beyond the scope of this discussion. Let it be said that placing batteries in parallel is another metaphor for the placing of the 12 etheric crystals and using the 12 etheric crystals as energy fields. One battery standing by itself has a certain amount of voltage that it can give, but when you connect the battery parallel to another, suddenly the charge of that battery and the capacity of the two batteries together are doubled. The 12 etheric crystals are accelerating and charging each other because they are all connected.

    In our previous discussions we talked about the dialectic energy capacity of the Tree of Life, which is representated on the planet by the 12 etheric crystals. The charge of all of the 12 etheric crystals when they are connected far transcends the doubling effect that we have described in placing two batteries in parallel. To give you another example, imagine that you have two six- volt batteries. They could produce 12 volts and have far greater capacity. That is just doubling the power and each of them is sustaining a certain charge. In the etheric world of energy and etheric crystals, I cannot describe how much spiritual light and energy you are creating because it is more than double, triple, or quadruple the energy. You describe things in the mathematical world as like 10 to the 5th power, 10 to the 10th power, etc. That is approximating the kind of dialectic energy that I am describing when we are talking about increasing energy from the etheric crystals. What you are also accomplishing when you are doing this type of etheric crystal meditation is that you are creating new types of energy patterns, which also creates a greater reception to fifth-dimensional light.

    Some have asked, for example, about how we should work with this energy, in relation to the Planetary Cities of Light. The Planetary Cities of Light also are sub-batteries, if you will. They are also correlated to these etheric crystals. The Planetary Cities of Light already have some capacity to function in the same way as the etheric crystals. One new Planetary City of Light is Aufkirchen, near Munich. It already has gathered a large spiritual capacity. Higher spiritual light is going to come to this beautiful city. How the Planetary Cities of Light are similar to the etheric crystals? They are similar in that they are battery storage devices for spiritual energy. They can download higher spiritual charge, and they can store it for longer periods of time and they can now begin to transmit that energy outside of their boundaries. The main function and the main goal of the Planetary Cities of Light are both to hold that spiritual charge for a given city and to transmit that light to other areas.

    It was important to emphasize that the Planetary Cities of Light are given the task of holding the spiritual energy. Why is that important? Some Cities of Light are already in high spiritual energy areas. But even in higher areas, there still are drains on the cities. The cities are still in the third dimension. There still sometimes is negative energy coming in. There still are the same problems that all cities have, including employment, including pollution, including environmental problems and including whatever other Earth energies that are denser. These energies can affect a Planetary City of Light also. So it is a tremendous task and it is a great accomplishment to hold and to ensure that the higher spiritual energy is to be held in that city. The exercise of a shimmering barrier and shimmering light around the city helps to hold the spiritual energy within the area. A second meditation would be to visualize that shimmering light as a spiritual battery that can hold and attract more spiritual energy and more spiritual light.

    We also created the image of the energetic basket which was first discussed in Argentina in Buenos Aires. A spiritual basket was raised around the city. The image was that the City of Light would be in a basket of light. The basket was raised partially and then the fifth- dimensional energy was brought down. Then the energy field of the city held that light and then that light was spread throughout the planet. The idea of the shimmering of the basket focuses on the fact that this shimmering is raising the capacity of the Planetary Cities of Light so that they can hold a higher fifth-dimensional energy. It is the shimmering that accelerates the Planetary City of Light so that the spiritual battery, namely the basket, can hold spiritual light.

    These principles for the Planetary Cities that I am discussing are exactly the same for you as individuals and as individual lightworkers. There is a certain refinement when it comes to talking about the lightworkers. That refinement has to do with the fact that you have a mental, a spiritual, a physical and an emotional body. Each of these bodies has a charge. Each of these bodies has a capacity to hold certain energy. The concept of working with yourself to improve your spiritual capacity and your spiritual reserve actually focuses on working with each of these individual bodies. The emotional body, for example, needs to be transformed into more universal concepts. For example, compassion, forgiveness, love and acceptance are all emotions that create a greater spiritual capacity for your emotional body to hold emotional spiritual light.

    The mental body can hold more spiritual light when you work with higher concepts of the cosmos. Higher mental concepts include: universal love, universal light, eternity, concepts of expansion of time, understanding that we are all united in unity consciousness, understanding multidimensional energy, the fact that other dimensions exist. These are some of the concepts that can make your mental body have greater spiritual light and capacity. The spiritual body also can be expanded through the shimmering exercises and through connecting with the fifth dimension.

    It is clear that there needs to be a new spiritual power source on the Earth. There is not enough spiritual “current.” There needs to be an upgraded current. That upgraded spiritual current needs to come from other sources. I can tell you that no planet has ever been able to survive the crisis that the Earth is currently facing without connecting to higher spiritual sources from the fifth dimension.

    We could debate that and we could argue that maybe it could be done without this connection. But our experiences and travels throughout the galaxy have been pretty extensive, and we haven’t seen any planet being able to survive without connecting to the fifth-dimensional energy. That means the fifth-dimensional guides and teachers who are coming from the fifth dimension are needed for this connection.

    The physical body responds to certain types of diet, certain types of exercises and also stress. Also, the physical body can be programmed to receive light and to receive spiritual light and spiritual energy. You call this the white healing light. The physical body can be programmed so that your correct visualizations would be most effective. One of the visualizations is to realize that you are an energy field instead of just a solid body. The energy that you have that may be creating illnesses is really a congestion of an energy field or a blockage. If you can, focus on the energy flowing within your body. This is a great step forward for the physical body.

    I do want Archangel Metatron to speak with you because he has a great message for you, even though it will be short. I love you all. This is Juliano. Good day.

    Greetings, I am Archangel Metatron. The love from my Father, the love from Adonai is so strong. Know that this, the greatest sources of spiritual charge, is God’s love for you. Your love for God, your love for the Creator, your love for the Creation is placing you in the same vibrational field, the same energy that the Creator is emitting for the Creation. Your loving God, which is a central concept in the Kaballah, is also helping you to be on the same vibration. Many people have asked: Why does God need our love? You are not asking the right question. The question is: Why does man need to love God? The answer is because it puts man on the same spiritual vibrational field as God.

    Juliano has given a presentation on the downloading of the fifth-dimensional light, and he has asked me to talk to you today about the concept of Ibbur. Ibbur is the Kaballistic description of cohabitation from a positive spirit. In the energy of Ibbur, the spiritual seeker, the lightworker, opens their energy field to the cohabitation from a higher angelic presence or a higher angelic guide. The Ibbur can also come from a higher ascended master, from a higher-dimensional master. This experience of Ibbur provides a tremendous spiritual charge to your physical body, your emotional body, your spiritual body and your mental body. It does not at all diminish your own abilities, but actually it raises your abilities. To do the higher spiritual work that you need to accomplish, you need more spiritual charge. Sometimes, for obvious reasons, your life circumstances are not helping you to hold your charge. A great gift from the spiritual masters and from the ascended masters is to offer you the ability, offer you the experience of the energy of Ibbur. Ibbur includes the cohabitation of higher spirits, such as Archangel Michael. I, Archangel Metatron, am also willing to work with you and provide you the spiritual charge. Remember, I am not saying I will take over your karma. I will help you do what is already in you.

    I am going to say to you that you have within you the ability to do great things. You can do great Earth healings, connect the energy fields of this planet with the 12 etheric crystals, and you can work as starseeds and spiritually connect with each other. Each of you can connect with the higher dimensions and amplify your light. Maybe you need a boost or a “pick me up,” as they say. We, of the ascended master world, we of the higher dimensions, are ready if you are, to cohabitate with you. We can cohabitate with you in a short time. We can cohabitate with you at night during your dream state. We can help you during crisis. We can help you do certain work that you want to do, but maybe you don’t feel the energy to do.

    You can call on me, Archangel Michael and also Chief White Eagle, and Juliano. Juliano has a corps of students that he is working with. Ptaah has a corps of students he is working with. There are many higher spiritual guides. They are needed and they need to work with you. You need to work with them. Make a space in your energy field and you will feel the joy and love from the higher guides and teachers.

    Shalom Aleichem. Amen. May your guide and teacher work with you. May you connect with Him in full light and love. May your consciousness be enhanced and may you improve your abilities to do your life mission, and your spiritual mission far beyond what you can even imagine. I am Archangel Metatron. Shalom.

    Copyright © 2010 David K. Miller
    P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
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