Grey alien invasion: Finding Home
Shortly after the uprising of the Grey Aliens (cloned race of aliens) they began their vast search for a new home, but more importantly a source of nutrition and a means to keep their race alive. The battle between the Reptilian Alliance left their race devastated and hopeless. The majority of their star ships were completely
destroyed and many of their kin were annihilated. However, in the distant moons of a planet near the Draco star system, they managed to gather their forces and
make their way into the outer reaches of the Milk-Way Galaxy.
Constantly searching for a new home they encountered many alien races that would deny their right of passage into their system. Knowing their evil intentions many alien races threatened the Greys if they attempted to act without permission. Finally drawn to the outer limits of our Solar System they began to see that Earth had no
means of interstellar warfare and they knew that this planet was a great home to begin their lives.
With the ability to perform cloning experiments on humans and feed off of their evil energy they sent a scout ship to orbit our planet and surveillance it..
