Holografic Energy Fields

This is Helio-ah, we are the Arcturians. I am Helio-ah, giver of light and bringer of holographic energy fields. The energy of the past, future and present light is being singularly focused into your crown chakra as I am assisting you so that you can activate your full awarenesess of the lifetimes here on Earth and the starseed lifetimes. The starseeds have awakened on Earth in mass numbers and many are ready and eager to leave the planet. The moment of the ascension and the departures of these starseeds is closer as the planet moves towards the polarization time. The polarization energy is so strong that many people are ready to commit themselves completely to their spiritual work with ease and without hesitation. We are bringing a greater light awareness to you in anticipation of accelerating all work that needs to be done on a personal basis.

I am seeing that many of you are being activated to the point that you begin to have visions of all of your different lifetimes on Earth, the past, the present and the future lifetimes. I am pleased that you are willing to work with the 2012 Corridor because the input that you are able to place into the future Earth at 2012 will have a major impact in the final manifestations and outcomes of the current conflicts and current ecological problems. It is with fear that many people are greeting and experiencing these problems. I totally understand how this fear is being generated. Consider the polarizations that are possible. With the challenge of the fear comes the polarized ability to grasp the spirituality and spiritual light. The holographic spiritual energy will protect you and enable you to see future outcomes. This holographic light that is coming into your crown chakra now is enabling you to increase your future perceptions so that you will be able to see outcomes more easily. You will be able to understand what people are going to do more easily. You will be able to look at different areas and understand what is going to happen. All these are available to you. I am working from our new ship, in honor of the Earth, called Gaia II, a new Arcturian starship that is being brought into the interdimensional realm between Earth and the Jupiter corridor. This is a ship that has highest spiritual and engineering technology that will enable us to grasp more quickly the outcomes of Earth events.

Gaia II is now over your planet and sending callings and energetic holographic beams of light to all of those who are open to receiving it in their crown chakra. (tones..HHHEEEEEUUUUWW) The question is: how will you feel about leaving the Earth, if this suddenly becomes in your best interest? How would you feel about going into the fifth realm? Would you still remain concerned about the outcomes of these dramas on the Earth? Or would you be completely able to release your attachments to the outcomes? If you are able to release your attachments to the outcomes, then you will have a freedom that you have never experienced before. You will feel the freedom of participating in your future self. The future self contains the present self that you are now in. Therefore, the interlocking of the future self with the present self is based on acceptance and understanding. The technology that we offer you enables you to accelerate and to intensify your communication patterns with the future self and enables you to bring down specific light and energy from the future self. This parallels the work of planetary healing where groups of people like yourselves are focused on a future Earth--a time when there is peace and harmony, and when there is a resolution of current problems.

There are among Earth at least 200 to 300 ascended masters now that are walking this planet. These ascended masters are within the range of everyone who is hearing these words. These ascended masters are part of the ascension work under Master Sananda. There are people who have gone through an initial ascension and have come back. Those who were chosen for this task were initiated with the understanding that they would return. The necessity of their spiritual work has increased dramatically during the past two months. These masters are giving intense healing energies to the Earth and they are also serving to create a corridor of connections with the 2012 time and with the future Earth. Many people have projected negative outcomes for the future Earth. Many people have said that there will be untold hardships on the Earth. Yet we know the final resolution is of peace and harmony. The final resolution is a successful leap in the evolution of the planet. The old paradigm is struggling to maintain dominance on the Earth. The old technology is struggling to hold its place. You have jumped into the computer age. The computer age replaced an older technology. Now there is a new spiritual technology that must replace the old paradigms. We have seen this on other planets. We are scanning other planets continually to watch how this process has occurred. We have seen the resistance that many of the beings have had to new paradigms. The new paradigm says spirituality is the main driving force in all matters--political, economic, health, mind, body, cosmic and ecological. The new paradigm is based on the concepts of spirituality guiding outcomes. It is based on an understanding of negative energy as a resistance and the new paradigm says that resistance is accepted. Resistance is dealt with in a way that integrates judgment with mercy. Judgment with mercy is an expression of spirituality. Judgment without mercy is the older paradigm.

The current situation is forcing people to evaluate their understanding of judgment and their understanding of mercy and whether mercy is appropriate. Mercy cannot solve the problem by itself and judgment alone cannot solve the problem. The new spirituality calls for integration of both. The new paradigm is calling for an evolution of consciousness to include the ability to access other realms and therefore, by accessing other realms, one is able to influence the outcome of events based on the higher good for all. Therefore, the higher energy and guides are accessible to races and all beings on the planet. The new paradigm recognizes that specific groups have their own energy and have their own guidance and their own outcomes. Some groups are not attuned with other groups. There must be an attunement first on the highest level, the fifth-dimensional realm, so that an interaction with all guides and teachers can occur.

The Earth has the distinction of having many animals and many plant forms. There are more animals and plant forms on this planet than there are on 99% of the other planets that we have visited. There are also more different human groupings because of planetary interventions from other species. Different agendas were inserted into the planetary outcomes. Understand that present world conflicts are based on age old interferences.

The ship, Gaia II, has the highly evolved computers that enable us to look into the past, present and future of each being and also into the past, present and future of each country. You will soon discover that your scientists will be able to look into the future. There are already attempts to manipulate the future through these experiments known as the Philadelphia experiments. Even as we are speaking, there are attempts to manipulate the outcome of these current events through some time warps. In fact, the recent event was coming from a future intervention. The recent event of the destruction of your buildings in New York came from a future time. By that you understand that you plan an event many, many years in advance and then you work with certain energies and certain psychological interventions to manifest that event and so it occurs. There are ways of circumventing that, ways of accelerating that, ways of manipulating certain events and there are also ways of magnifying successful outcomes through the projection of energies down corridors and through the connections of group consciousness. The final lesson that you are all ready to accept and learn has to do with the manifestation of group consciousness to a successful planetary healing.

There is a great deal of light that is now entering the room, activating your abilities. I, Helio-ah, say that you must accept your ability to look into the future in every way. When you see the future, know that by SEEING the future, you can affect the outcome of that future. This is the responsibility of the starseeds. This is the responsibility of all who are understanding fifth dimension and how to work with the fifth dimension.

With spiritual technology and newer accessing of the unconscious and the future, comes a responsibility. I believe that each of you who have accepted this mission to be starseeds understand that there comes with it a responsibility in working towards a planetary healing. The starseed work is not solely based on personal healings, but it is also based on the responsibility of working for planetary enlightenment. (HHHEEEEEEWWW) Meditate for a moment on this concept of a planetary enlightenment.

What will it be like to live on an enlightened planet? You have everything on this planet that you need to accelerate your own enlightenment. I know many of you have asked why did you have to come to a planet that has this level of violence and fear . The answer is that you assumed a responsibility as a starseed to work towards this planetary enlightenment and that you accepted the responsibility of accelerating that process. Gaia II remains in alignment with each of the Arcturian starseeds. All 1600 of the Group of Forty are in attunement with the group consciousness. I, Helio-ah, create a heliographic light chamber around each of the group members and all the groupings throughout this Earth who are listening to or who are reading these lectures. With that connection, we come to a huge circle of energy on our meeting ground in the fore chamber of Gaia II. (HHHUUUUEEEWW) In Gaia II, on the fore chamber, we sit as a large group of beings. I am in the center of this group communicating with each of you telepathically. I am accelerating your psychic development and helping to balance your emotional energy. I am activating within you the balance of mercy and judgment. I hold above my head a beautiful etheric stone that is red and blue and yellow, reflecting beams of light from the healing Central Sun. Use these light codes now to activate a healing of mercy and judgment. Do not be fooled by those who say that it is necessary to go into the inner Earth and access realms lower than the fifth dimension. It is time to connect with the fifth realm! It is time to proceed with the spiritual work. It is time for the ascension more than ever. The ascension energy and light needs your ability to hold and carry that energy now. The deeds of those of darkness do not reflect on you and your work. Their darkness is a message to accelerate. Hold that light as I maintain my position in the center of the Group of 1600. Realize what it is like to be in a conscious group of 1600 people focusing on this red energy field and blue and yellow energy from the Central Sun.

The 200 to 300 ascended masters that are now on the Earth have connected with us for they accept this calling that we are placing now of spiritual paradigm light to be available. (HHOWWOOWEEOH) Master Sananda is here now as a towering light force. See his light energy in its new form--a being that would appear to be 20 to 30 feet as an etheric body. His is not the smaller human form, but it is above us, around us and in us. His presence appears visually as a 20 to 30 foot etheric body. Know that when you are in holographic energy. When you experience somebody holographically, then you experience them visually, but you also are in their energy simultaneously. Sananda will speak.

I am Sananda and I call on each of you to activate your full presence. Each of you have realized by now that your Earth body is a contraction of the full nature of yourself. It is required, this contraction, to incarnate. I bless you for your diligence and commitment. Now, as we are in Gaia II, this beautiful ship, with all 1600 here, I ask you to step out of the Earth configuration and become the huge light beings that you are! With this experience, communicate to your Earth body your true self, letting the Earth body know that you have expanded to your normal extension. You may do this by placing the visual image of your perceived Earth body, that is how you perceive it in normal Earth consciousness, with your expanded etheric body, 20 to 30 feet in length. Now we are in the circle and all of you are in an etheric body that is more representative of your true nature. With this group energy, descend from Gaia II below, through a corridor, into the Earth's Ring of Ascension. Now, enter the highly charged light of the Earth's Ring of Ascension. The Ring of Ascension is active. Now, the Earth harmonizes with your spiritual input. The Earth receives your holographic energy. It is an amazing scientific fact that you can be in more than one place at a time. As you remain in the Ring of Ascension, become aware that you are still in the starship Gaia's foreroom and we are still here in a circle. We are still able to relate to your Earth body. That means that you are in three places with your consciousness. Hold each of those consciousnesses. (HHOOOOO) I call on Archangel Michael to speak to you.

In the name of Elohim, in the light of Adonai, and with the spirit of the Sheckhinah and the Galactic Kachina, I bring my sword of light into your realm, into the realm of the Ring of Ascension, the starship, Gaia II, and your Earth body. The sword represents the day of judgment and the sword represents the ability to cut all cords of attachment to the Earth and to your incarnations. Each of you has the ability to call on me and my sword to protect you. The sword is a protective force as well as a judgment force. I, Archangel Michael, place an etheric sword, representing my sword, into the Ring of Ascension. That sword travels wherever the consciousness of the group places it. It is a sword of mercy and judgment. It is a sword of balance. Do not fear its power. Do not fear its use. Know that it is a tool for you to access. You are in the light of the Elohim masters. (HHOO..HUEE..ELOHIM) It may be difficult at times to see the judgments and it may appear that at times some of the outcomes remain unexplainable. That is why we are giving you access to holographic consciousness so that there will be a more balanced view. You already understand that what appears is based on many lifetimes and many outcomes. Let the sword of Archangel Michael be a balancing force for you. When you look through the sword, you will see the balance of mercy and judgment in all aspects, in all events on the Earth. I must tell you that some of the events that you will see are based on karma from other lifetimes and other planetary lifetimes. You must extend your vision and your abilities to holographically perceive the past, present and future based on your understanding of the previous conflicts in the solar system and in the galaxy.

I place a candle of light into the Ring of Ascension. I place the burning light, which is the light that Moses saw in the burning bush. It is a special light, with a special flame. Hold that flame in your consciousness. Visualize in the flame of the burning candle, the burning bush and the eternal light. With the placing of this eternal light into the Ring of Ascension, the Earth's survivability increases dramatically. Some have asked about the uses of nuclear exchanges. We are working very hard to bring the spiritual paradigm to the Earth. I do not see any exchanges of nuclear types during the next two months. Some will say, what about beyond that period? I will say that based on the energy input now, we can see a two month window. That means we must work with you to extend that two month window to four months, eight months and beyond. I return you to Sananda and remind you that the etheric sword is a protective sword for you. Place that sword over your third eye and look through the sword and you will see and understand the balance of mercy and judgment. In the light of Elohim, this is Archangel Michael.

I am Sananda. I remind you that it is important to see not just what appears, but to 'see' it in holographic visions and to see it in terms of the manifestations of the dual energies that come. All manifested Earth forms have a duality within them. That duality has potentials just as you have potential of duality within you. Hold the sword to see the duality in all matters. You will understand that there is death in life and life in death. Good and evil are often in events. But, the good has the power, the love has the power and spirit has the power of unifying the duality for a higher unity. This is why I have spoken to you of unifications. This is why the unities within you become very powerful. I am glad you are working in group consciousness with the Arcturians and I am glad that you are able to hold the focus of the Ring of Ascension. That is the focus now, rather than on the inner Earth. It is the outer Earth and the manifested Earth that needs the Ring of Ascension light. When the fifth-dimensional light breaks through this Earth, everyone is dramatically affected for the positive. When the sky opens and the brilliance of the Elohim light shines on the Earth, men go through dramatic changes! This is Sananda.

Copyright © 2001 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

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  • You are welcome, dear Christina!
  • I am Ra my Light is upon all of thee lest in Judgement the Father who created it take it away.
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