A great number of people are preparing to receive the historic alignment of the 3 planets to the Pyramids, on3rd December, 2012. This is an event happens ones in over 3000 years.
The projection starts on Saturday 1st December and continue
Hi, I've been having spontaneous out of body experiences as long as I can remember. My earliest major experience was one night when I was in my early teens, drifting off to sleep, and the next thing I knew I was literally rising up off my bed and dri
I did have a number of astral projections. Actually, I guide people to get a concious astral projection through a 7 week course. At the moment, there is a live course scheduled to Start in 28th March, in London. http://www.meetup.com/Esoteric-Wis
I have had some different experiences that feel like two different but similar things. I (sometimes) when I am sleeping feel like I am traveling though the house, but it feels like I am projecting myself consciously through the house. It feels almost
I'm not sure, if these events were Astral or just a series of dreams that triggered each other. Is it possible with Astral that, you have a second life, like you can live in a totally different city and do things like how you would normally do things
I am new to this group and very much interested to enhance my knowledge about this subject. Today I want to share one of my experiences with you. Before that I would like to tell one thing about me is that m a disable person who hardly
I been having OBEs since last summer. It all started when I was living in one of the most toxic cities I ever lived in, Los Angeles. It was so bad, that I could hardly sleep more than a few hours before something would wake me up. It was aroun
One experience while projecting I will never forget. I ended up in some other world. It wasn't what I would call beautiful, by any means. And I surly wouldn't mind never going back, the energy was so weird, so BLAH, if that makes sense. I'll try to e
Posted by Roberto Durante on July 15, 2009 at 7:50pmView My Blothis happen to me on july 2009, and I think that we can call it a astral projection, or maybe better a astral travel, see by yourself, read it and give me your opinion, thanks :))I want t
This is an article by Athene Raefiel --- I feel it is fairly accurate and helpful to describe the astral plane as such-----The Astral PlaneBy: Athene RaefielThe astral plane also known as one of the seven heavens, is the plane of existence through wh
The astral body --- desire body -- or the linga sarira --- is a vehicle that functions throughthe desire or will power.The effort of the physical that moves the physical body is generated by kilocalories that is synthesized from food substances.Ultim
This is an important classical literature work which is a sacred allegorical story.It is a Rosecrucian Tale and introduces the concept of a dweller on the threshold.The dweller on the threshold---- is an entity that we ourselves have created -- and g
I would like to discuss a few triggers that i recognize when they are happening that I amon the astral dimension and I am projecting.--------- The train dream-- I dream I am moving on a train. Whenever I feel it in my dream it is a reminder to meI'm