How do I Project?



I been having OBEs since last summer. It all started when I was living in one of the most toxic cities I ever lived in, Los Angeles. It was so bad, that I could hardly sleep more than a few hours before something would wake me up. It was around the same time I started working with crystals. Fast forward a month or two.. I started sleeping with Black Tourmaline, which is a stone of protection. And amazingly it helped me sleep for the entire night of 8 hours! So after about a week or two I started to wake up at night with my whole body vibrating. It was really freaky and I would just shake the vibrations off and go back to sleep. After a few times I realized that this could be something and looked up the stone again in one of my crystal books. It said that this stone "strengthens astral travel". So the next time i woke up with vibrations, I went with it. I started to ask my guides to help me and protect me while I was in this stage with my body vibrating. Then I started to see through my eye lids and at the last minute backed out. after about 10 seconds the vibrations subsided, the darkness faded, and I could see somewhat lighter background through my eye lids cuz it was around 6:30ish am and the Sun was coming up.


Then ever since then I been having these experiences on and off. About a week ago I started having these stages without sleeping with black tourmaline! I went into a lucid dream and was lucid for 1 hour while in this stage. Then a few days ago I had the same thing without the stone on me and I was having an OBE... but every time I have an OBE it lasts a few minutes and I wake up because I get stuck having a hard time projecting out. I feel the vibrations, then hear sounds, loud horns, even saw symbols last time. But I just cant... project... out. I went as far as visualizing getting up and opening my door but it felt like it was just visualizing. Also, I would move my astral arms and even legs like as if i were to get up but get back in my body. It's really hard to get out and feels like I'm stuck cuz I been so conditioned to be in my body so much throughout my life.


Anyone got any tips on how to help me project out into the room? I want to start small and just want to be able to see my own body laying there and walk/float/whatever in my own place.



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  • Hi Jerod.  I have only been out a couple of times, so I'm no expert, but I can tell you that at both times I was awake, but very relaxed and sort of spacing out.  I just walked out of my body, and as soon as I realized I was out I sort of slammed back in. I think the trick is to not try so hard; just relax your mind.  It may be, also, that your conscious mind wants to have an OBE, but the rest of your mind isn't entirely ok with it. ~Namaste~

  • You are projecting.
    Everyone is projecting.
    The moment the special moment is when you wake up and go to sleep.
    If you recognize it you can bring information from one level of consciousness to another.
    You go into the astral and back and you dont even know you projected.
    Same thing with reincarnation.

    You fail to be awake even when your dying you sleep right through it.


    We have all reincarnated countless times before.
    BUT you fail to recognize the moment when it is happening .

  • Y

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