In these days of world pain, let love and joy equally be keynotes of your life - as a group and as individuals - for they carry the healing vibrations of the Hierarchy. 

Ponder on joy, happiness, gaiety and bliss; these release the channels of the inner life, and reach - in a wide circle - many kinds of men. They heal and cleanse the physical body, and help you do your work with little effort, a proper sense of values, and a detachment which is based on love and not isolation.

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Joy is DIVINE :)


(1) Be joyful, for joy lets in the light, and where there is joy there is little room for glamour and
misunderstanding. (5 - 461).

(2) Aim at demonstrating happiness. Be joyous in your work and service. Be not so intense, but
go happily along the lighted Way. Such is my prayer for you. (5 - 408).

(3) You can train yourself to build in that quality of joy which is the characteristic of a personality
which is consciously anchored in the soul realm. (5 - 398).

(4) To those who wrestle, strive, and hold on, the joy is doubled when the materialization comes.
The joy of contrast will be yours, for knowing the past of darkness you will revel in the light of fruition; the joy of tried and tested companionship will be yours, for years will have proved to you who are your chosen associates, and in community of suffering will come the strengthened link; the joy of peace after victory will be yours, for to the tired warrior the fruits of achievement and rest are doubly sweet; the joy of participation in the Masters' plan will be yours, and all is well that associates you closely with Them; the joy of having helped to solace a needy world, of having brought light to darkened souls, of having healed in some measure the open sore of the world's distress, will be yours, and in the consciousness of days well spent, and in the gratitude of salvaged souls, comes the deepest joy of all, - the joy a Master knows when He is instrumental in lifting a brother up a little higher on the ladder. This is the joy that is set before you all - and not so very far ahead it lies. So work not for joy, but towards it; not for reward, but from the inner need to
help; not for gratitude, but from the urge that comes from having seen the vision and realization of the part you have to play in bringing that vision down to earth.

It is helpful to differentiate between happiness, joy and bliss: First, happiness, which has its seat in the emotions, and is a personality reaction. Second, joy, which is a quality of the soul and is realized in the mind, when alignment takes place. Third, bliss, which is the nature of the Spirit and about which speculation is fruitless until the soul realizes its oneness with the Father. This realization follows upon an earlier stage wherein the personal self is at-oned with the soul. Therefore speculation and analysis as to the nature of bliss is profitless to the average man whose metaphors and terminologies must perforce be personal, and related to the world of the senses. Does the aspirant refer to his happiness or joy? If he refers to the latter it must come as the effect of group consciousness, of group solidarity, of oneness with all beings, and may not be interpreted in terms of happiness after all. Happiness comes when the personality is meeting with those conditions which satisfy it in one part or other of its lower nature; it comes when there is a sense of physical well being, of contentment with one's environment or surrounding personalities, or of satisfaction with one's mental opportunities and contacts. Happiness is the goal of the separated self.

When however we seek to live as souls, the contentment of the lower man is discounted, and we find joy in our group relationships, and in bringing about those conditions which lead to the better expression of the souls of those we contact. This bringing of joy to others, in order to produce conditions in which they may better express themselves, may have a physical effect as we seek to better their material conditions, or an emotional effect as our presence brings to them peace and uplift, or an intellectual result as we stimulate them to clarity of thought and understanding. But the effect upon ourselves is joy, for our action has been selfless and non-acquisitive, and not dependent upon the aspirant's circumstance or worldly state. Much happiness is necessarily foregone when ill-health makes its pressure felt, as the environment is difficult, and the "accumulated karma of many births" presses down, or as the troubles of the family, nation or race, weigh upon the sensitive personality. The happiness of youth, or the self-centered contentment of the selfish insulated person (hiding himself behind the shield of his protective desires), must not be confounded with joy.

It is a platitude as well as an occult paradox, to say that in the midst of profound personality distress and unhappiness, the joy of the soul may be known and felt. Such however is the case, and it is for this the student must aim. (4 - 368/70).

(5) The only cure for this creeping inertia, is to ignore the body and take your joy in the livingness of service. I speak here not of definite disease or of serious physical liabilities; to these right care and attention must be duly given; I speak to the thousands of ailing men and women who are preoccupied with taking care of themselves, and so waste hours of the time which could be given to the service of humanity. (8 -168).

(6) The races today are steeped in misery and an unhappy psychological acquiescence in sorrow and pain. The clear light of love must sweep away all this, and joy will be the keynote of the coming New Age. (12 - 120).

(7) We stand today on the verge of great things. Humanity is on its way with renewed impetus. It stands no longer at the cross roads, but irrevocable decisions have been made, and the race is moving forward along a path which will lead it eventually into light and peace. It will find its way into "the peace which passeth understanding" because it will be a peace which is independent of outer conditions, and which is not based upon what present humanity defines as peace. The peace which lies ahead of the race, is the peace of serenity and of joy - a serenity, based upon spiritual understanding; and a joy which is untouched by circumstance. This joy and serenity is not an astral condition but a soul reaction. These qualities are not achieved as the result of disciplining the emotional nature, but demonstrate as a natural, automatic reaction of the soul.  This is the reward of a definitely achieved alignment. These two qualities of the soul - serenity and joy - are the indications that the soul, the ego, the One Who stands alone, is controlling or dominating the personality, circumstance, and all environing conditions of life in the three worlds.
(15 - 200).

(8) The future holds within its silence other modes of saving humanity. The cup of sorrow and the agony of the Cross are well-nigh finished. Joy and strength will take their place. Instead of sorrow we shall have a joy which will work out in happiness, and lead eventually to bliss. We shall have strength which will know naught but victory, and will not recognize disaster... . Only the dawn is with us yet - the dawn of the Aquarian Age. The full tide of light is inevitably moving upon its way towards us. (18 - 234)

(9) And my brother, be happy. Learn to feel joy - a joy which is based on the knowledge that humanity has always triumphed and passed onward and forward, in spite of apparent failures, and the destruction of past civilizations; a joy, which is founded upon the unshakable belief that all men are souls, and that "points of crisis" are factors which are of proven usefulness in calling in the power of that soul, both in the individual man, in a race, or in humanity as a whole; a joy which is related to the bliss which characterizes the soul on its own level, whereon the form aspects of manifestation do not dominate. Ponder on these thoughts and remember you are grounded in the centre of your Being and can, therefore, see the world truly and with no limited vision; you can stand unperturbed, knowing the end from the beginning, and realizing that love will triumph. (5 - 471).

(10) In these days of world pain, let love and joy equally be keynotes of your life - as a group and as individuals - for they carry the healing vibrations of the Hierarchy. (5 - 299/300).

(11) I call you also to a cultivated joyousness, which will end in releasing you to fuller service. (5 - 138).

(12) So many in the final years of life, live, think and act in such a manner that the soul withdraws its attention. Thus only the personality remains. To all of you who have passed the half century I would say: Face the future with the same joy as in youth, yet with an added usefulness, knowing that the wisdom of experience is yours, the power to understand is yours, and that no physical limitation can prevent a soul from useful expression and service. I would remind you of something which is often forgotten: It is far easier for the soul to express itself through an older experienced body, than through one that is young and inexperienced, provided that there is no pride and no desired selfishness, but only longing to love and to serve. (5 - 465/6).

(13) Ponder on joy, happiness, gaiety and bliss; these release the channels of the inner life, and reach - in a wide circle - many kinds of men. They heal and cleanse the physical body, and help you do your work with little effort, a proper sense of values, and a detachment which is based on love and not isolation. 5 - 170).

14) Meditations on joy:
1. The Joy of the Soul irradiates my life, and lightens all the burdens which those I meet may carry. The Joy of the Lord is my strength, and I develop strength in joy for others. (5 -176).

2. Joy - Like a bird on the wing, I fly towards the sun. I sing in my soul, so that all I meet can hear. (5 - 435).

3. "With industry I work as doth the ant. With speed I travel as moves the hare upon its path. With joy I climb as doth the goat which scales the precipice and stands upon the mountain top.  Industry, speed and joy must be the keynotes of my life; diligence with the task assigned; speed to assent with all the Master says; speed on my way to service; and joy to shower forth on all I meet. Such is the Way for me." (5 - 462).

4. Let the song of the soul be sounded forth by me, and the clear high notes bring peace and joy  to others. My word today is Joy. (5 - 565).

5. Sit in perfect silence and quiet for fifteen minutes, not negatively drifting into a semi-tranced condition, but actively becoming aware of that inner centre of stillness and of peace where joy and bliss have their home. (5 - 577)

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  •   Thank You for the birthday Card Kelly ..i have a surprise coming up for my birthday and i am looking forward to this event.. Yes, i born under the sign of Aquarius near the cusp.i had my reading done a few days ago and she says i it will be a possible year for me in fact a number of people have given the same message i also had another transformation card again and this the third time i had this message..Speaking of numbers i am on the life path of the number 5 and this means there travel in my future.There is so many things going at the moment .My spirit guide had given me a message this year and i have to be prepared might have to travel again this time for a different reason.This is the year of the Number 9 and represents the element of fire which is in the sign of Sagittarius and its ruling sign Jupiter..What i like to see this year is a more positive things occurring on this planet and not all this darkness taking the spot light .There are times i don't want to speak to my guide because he always tells me things i don't to see but he says i need to be prepared to move forward if i am to reach my goal or destination. The Chinese New Year is on the 8th of February another powerful number ..Have you ever notice the number 5 is on many produce items? For example $3.95. 8.95 etc.. because number 5 is also the number of currency..Lately many are being told to go within as strong energies become more intense .The full moon was on the 23th of January now its time for renewal again. The Boreal Forest is similar to Europe's landscape the reason why i mention this subject is because the indigenous tribes have always consider this land scared and have warned the authorities not to cut the trees there but they resume cutting the down the trees there then suddenly winds up to 100mph suddenly appeared and this man who was inside the tracker told how afraid he was when this storm knotted trees down to the ground and some fell on the window of his tracker i saw this on the CTV  news in early 90s.''get this would you believe as these energies become stronger some of us could disappear or cause combustion? i guess it could depend on what we digest.Back in the early 60s i remember we got a Ouija broad for Christmas and i remember there was just the four of us playing this game until one night there was six of us playing this game and i hear this horrible scream and i run out the room and i don't remember what happen then but the next day our parents threw the Ouija broad out . i was upset after that because we had the youngest child in the room when we were playing the game but we didn't know any better until i saw the 6'oclock news telling all parents to get rid of the Ouija broad. In the early 80s i believe there was similar game to this i believe it called ''Dungeons and Dragons '' .. ''Oh'' yes, when our parents got rid of the Ouija broad i thought to about the incident and i thought to myself ''why scream that out '' because i remember we had to play with children who came from different social class but i was glad we were more a little more mature and more responsible ..

  • need some laughs so posted this video .enjoy Kelly ...
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  •   Thank You So Much for Birthday Card Luke .

  • Happy Birthday to you, Hellen .. hope you have a great day..

    Much Love,

    Luke :-)

  • If you decide to come and visit Temagemi Lake .Here is video i posted here for some information ..
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  •  Hi .Kelly its my birthday today . i was born on the cusp and my master number is the 22. i believe the master number 22 is the builder,ambassador and diplomat. i forgot to mention something about the Boreal Forest that i mentioned in the previous paragraph this was in the news in the late 1990s.There is a powerful vortex there and first nations have warned not to go in that area ..The U.S is getting ready for the largest blizzard ever ..i heard the shelfs are empty in the stores ..John Casey wrote a book titled ''Cold Sun'' this book is based on the ice age .He says its an on going through cycle going back thousands of years ..its a slow process but many people are beginning to complain that they never seen such strange weather and the cold has gotten even colder ..A cold vortex has opened and has spread through the globe and the ice is spreading much faster.If water is thrown into the air in very cold temperatures it would turn into ice instantaneously ..Thousands of years ago the ice once covered the entire planet..

  • The Boral Forest is located somewhere in Northern Ontario i didn't explain the location ..

  • yes, i am looking to spring too .Sometime around February that is when the spring like begins.The U.S whether is in for the biggest snow storm . i remember living in New York the snow was so high it like walking through tunnels..i never say anything like ''we had no snow here or not much snow ''because we could be in for a biggest snow of the century ..For some reason the weather seem so intense and more chaotic south of the border .There is a place called ''The Boral Forest '' it similar to the Bermuda Triangle .i believe there is a vortex there ..i have to look for more information as there was an incident that occurred there .John Casey has said we are in for a mini ice age ..

  • My computer is rather slow today and my key are stuck when i type the words .i apologize if there happens to be any misunderstanding ...

  •      Hi .Kelly.  i had to delete my reply here again i apologize for this. i wasn't paying attention to the question ( s) ..2015 was really a tough year? .. yes,it was a tough year.With oil prices plummeting to the lowest level countries like Canada,Venezuela,Nigeria and the Middle East have left people  vulnerable .. its time to get creative and resourceful..2016 could be even more challenging specially for those who always depended on the external world to for their very survival this i feel is very unfortunate.Many companies have down sized to the level where they now hire less people creating and in the process creating competitive job market at least for a while.Other sources of energy is replacing oil and robotics will replace human labor and speaking of robotics Toronto's Humber Hospital will robotics in operating rooms..One of the airports using hologram technology for security screening and they are replacing ID Cards with Micro Chips and money will be phasing out i am there will be mistakes but it does get better .Diseases will become nonexistent and new technologies will be developed but will become less visible ..Dr.Michio Kuku has interesting information on the future of mankind ..

This reply was deleted.

Another side of joy.....

"We are not here just to survive and live long.... We are here to live and know life in its multi-dimensions to know life in its richness, in all its variety. And when a man lives multi-dimensionally, explores all possibilities available, never shrinks back from any challenge, goes, rushes to it, welcomes it, rises to the occasion then life becomes a flame, life blooms." Bhagwan Shree RajaneeshThe thought and action of this is what brings another side of joy to me. Love, Aly

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