Dispensing of Fear



Commander Ashtar speaks:

“I speak for the Most High Command of the Guardian Forces. Preparations are now underway for a great Conclave of the Guardian Action. The masses must somehow be reached with an understanding of our true mission and the purpose of our presence in your skies. All fear must be removed from their hearts through teachings that will help them to understand that we surround your planet only in an attitude of love and helpfulness and a desire to serve Mankind. Fear of us makes it impossible for the completion of our Mission when the time is come.

There are too many who fear us, too many who would withdraw and hold back should an invitation be given to come with us for rescue. We recognize the problem. We are dealing with it in every possible way through hundreds of precious willing souls that are Earth-based. We cannot be of help to those who fear us, who do not trust us, and who cannot accept us. The attitude of Humanity must be changed for the great majority, before the hour of crisis. We cannot fulfill the Plan of the Hierarchy or assist Mankind unless the world is enlightened to our purpose and mission.”


From a book compiled by Winfield Brownell, called “UFOs – Keys to Earth's Destiny”,we include, with his permission, a message received by him from Monka, whose words we are always eager to hear:

“We have many many ships that are going through your atmosphere at all times; and now and then, here and there, we are helping more people to experience sightings of the ships, and some are being taken for trips. There is more of this type of activity, but it is just incidental. We are looking forward to the time when we can land in great numbers. We cannot land as long as too many Earth beings have fear. The condition of your feeling world is our test to tell whether or not we should bring in the ships in large numbers and land, before the serious cataclysmic activities on Earth may come about.

We can test the feeling world of Humankind, and judge exactly the level of its development. At the present time the percentage of your people who have more fear than we would want to cause, is about six percent. Now the question is, how low must that percent register before we could take a chance on landing in large numbers? We feel that if it goes down below three percent, we can land in quite large numbers. We would experiment with it, if the number got down to that point. However, the percentage has not been lowering very much, so we hope there will be an improvement.

There are more people in certain areas who would allow fear, and in this regard, your United States is a little bit lower than some of the other places because of experience and more publicity about UFOs, but you are still not down to three percent.

Work on your feeling world so that you are always at peace. Do not become disturbed. A disturbed climate would be dangerous if suddenly this activity of Earth's flip on the axis took place. Do not let anything in to disturb you. If someone started an atomic war, or earthquakes, hurricanes or any violence of that nature appeared, your inner disturbance and fear would endanger you. Without fear, you are protected by the Light which you have drawn about you, and the greater Light which you continue to draw.

Sad to relate, as the energies are stepped up and frequencies increased, the evil forces are more active. They are in their last throes, as it were, and some of them are getting desperate. They feel that they may not be able to accomplish their mission in controlling others to promote undesirable deeds. Their desperation has caused them to step up evil happenings, and the evil is receiving more publicity.”

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    • Thank you Valana, glad you liked.  Yes, I feel this message is a very important one, I see there are a lot of talk about fearing UFO's now that they are being more disclosure.  I do believe there could be very bad ones indeed, but obviously there are ones that are concerned about the nuclear sites because there has been evidence of a lot of them shutting it down, so how would that be a bad UFO if they were trying to divert such a toxic killing machine that it is.  Who should we fear more, ourselves or those that vow for peace.  You know they being  UFO's could have killed, enslaved us a long time ago, but we are doing a good job on our own unfortunately.

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