Val's Comments to Recent Activities

Note: Valana asked me to post this for her.

Val is this a good time to talk.  I thought Valana would get your comments on the following, but she asked me to do it. Are you available now?

Val: Yes, my dear.  I have been waiting for you.

I compiled a list of some of the military activities that have been going on recently. Valana would like to add your 2 cents, and then wants me to post it.  So, the following is what I put together:

Apparently, there is foreign military build-up at both borders, but there is more talk about the northern border. 

Val: That is correct.

In early December an American military plane was shot down near the Canadian border by Chinese military at the Canadian border.  The pilot was taken captive.  Obama had given the Chinese a port near Long Beach, CA. (This much I know for sure is true, since it not far from where I used to live before we moved to Ventura). President Trump took the port back.  However, while the Chinese were in control of it, millions of Chinese people and equipment were brought into this country through that port.  That was done in preparation for some event that was to happen in the future.  They have been hiding and training in remote bases.  After the plane was shot down there was massive American military activity, which took out all these remote bases. 

Val: The CCP has had their eye on your country and your land for some time now. You’ve been under subtle attack and none, who had the power to act, saw it.  Your President finally realized what was up, in nearly the 25th hour when he came into office.

Also, in early December there were massive armadas deployed on both coasts, like they were preparing to defend our coastlines.  These were called exercises, but retired military men say it is very unusual to have that kind of exercise during the holidays. It is also very unusual for such an exercise to be so big, since it is so costly and you can get just as good training with smaller, cheaper deployments.  Military personnel who had leave for the holidays had their leave cancelled.  There was also major activity moving around military personnel, equipment and supplies, as if they're staging to protect this country.     

Val: Not “as if” they are in place to protect your shores. You have come to the time that has long been prophesied, the time when the forces of darkness will try to overcome the Light.  It is a spiritual battle, not one you can win by natural means.  In the ONE, who you call Father God, is where your victory lies. Focus enough minds there and you will succeed.

Raw footage of the Christmas day Nashville explosion shows a beam coming out of the sky, and then, immediately there is the explosion.  The explosion destroyed evidence of election fraud on the 4th floor.  How did a car bomb do that?

Val: A car bomb, or a weaponized satellite.  Be careful.  You are treading on the line into my domain.

On Dec 30th someone posted a video from Oceanside, CA. There is a base down there, and it was crammed full of military vehicles, as far as the you could see.  The guy taking the video said he lives in Oceanside; he goes by there all the time and he had never seen anything close to that.  He thought they are preparing for something big.

On Jan 2nd someone took a video on their phone of military personnel dressed in camo at an airport in Georgia.  They were coming around a corner and walking, three or four abreast, down the concourse.  The concourse was pretty long, and as far as the eye could see there were soldiers.

Val: There is much military movement on your planet at this time.

On January 4th a bright blue triangle shaped UFO was seen and filmed by many crashing into ocean.  Then a white, smaller one came from the same direction as the blue one.   It flew over the place where the blue on plunged into the water and kept on going until it disappeared.  People thought they were ET crafts, but some say they were likely ours.  This technology was developed by the US and the Obama Administration sold it to China (or CCP more precisely).  Now CCP has a fleet of them, but we have more. 

Val: Yes, Earthian militaries have triangular ships.  Some are made in China, and some are made in the USA.  That is all I will say.

Also, on January 4th military personnel departed Fort Bragg for the US Central Command area of operations.  CENTCOM is the portion of the military that protects American security interests in an area stretching from the Horn of Africa to Central Asia - an area that has 20 countries, including Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the countries of the Arabian Peninsula and northern Red Sea, and the five republics of Central Asia.  

Val: Yes, your military is staged to protect your interest all around the world.

On Jan 8th a Russian nuke sniffer aircraft was shot down over Birmingham, England.

Val: Let’s skip that one.

The massive buildup of naval vessels on east and west coasts are still in position.  Some are said to be fitted with technology that the public doesn’t even know about.  (Did we see some of that technology in the skies over Hawaii?) 

Val: You know what was seen over the Hawaiian skies.

Apparently, China has assets in position to invade, and people in the know say it looks like the US military is getting ready to defend against invasion. 

Val: Your frequency dipped into fear.  That is the worst thing you can do.  Stay in high frequencies. Focus on the ONE God and on your trust, hold your focus there.  Consider the results of victory.  It will be the beginning of a period of peace.  Put yourself there.  Feel it, experience it as if it is real now, and it will be.  Your military is ready.  You support them by being in high frequency.  That is your part and the best you can do for them and yourself.

And, oh yeah, the first command that president Xi gave his military in the new year was to order them to prepare for war. 

Val: That, too, is correct.

On the home front:

On Jan 9 the governor of Washington state activated the National Guard “ahead of protests”.  So, governor Inslee is expecting protests from whatever is about to happen – or is he expecting something else and is saying he’s preparing for protests?

Val: He’s preparing for multiple contingencies.  The possibility for riots before an attempted invasion is a possibility in Washington, and such action will only help the invasion forces.  The governor knows enough to stop protests when it is imperative to do so.

In Washington DC the Supreme Court, Library of Congress and the Capital are surrounded by massive fences and barricades, as if they are being protected from being over-run; and the city is completely occupied by army troops in full gear.  It’s said that there are more than 7000 troops in DC at this time. Many are inside the fences protecting the buildings – so who are they expecting will attack?

It is also being said that there may be possible internet, telephone and perhaps power outages, as well.  So, people in the States get prepared.  At least have enough food in the house so you won’t have to leave the house if anything like this is happening.

Val: That is prudent advice and all would do well to heed it.

Thank you, Val.  There is one more thing.  I didn’t send it to Valana and I don’t know if I should post it, but here it is.

I don’t know if any of the following is true, but if it is, it’s said to be the only way we are in any serious risk.  There is supposedly a new weapon called Sixth Gen Nukes.  It is not radioactive.  It is a spherical halo that lands on an area. And then it collapses in on itself and destroys everything within halo, leaving only a crater.  There is chatter that there could be a Sixth Gen attack on the US by the CCP.  Such an attack could affect a very large area and that would result in massive casualties.  This is a possible threat because it is possible that we may not be able to stop it in time.  That is what is being said, anyway…that is if these Sixth Gen Nukes even exist.

Val: Do you remember what I told you when you were upset over a missile?

Yeah, I remember that.  I had seen a video of a missile that looked like was coming toward us and then it failed, they said.  It changed course and fell into the ocean, just a few miles from our house. It even made a noise like it was fizzling as it fell. The news said it was a military test, but there was lots of talk that it had come from China or North Korea and it was an attempted nuclear attack.  That sounds unlikely now, but at the time the suggestion was unnerving to me, especially when it was so close to home.

Val: Do you remember what I told you?

Yes, you said not to worry about a nuclear attack, it is not going to happen, so don’t even think oof it.  You guarantee it.

Val: Yes, that is what I told you and same holds now, whether nuclear material is exploded, or imploded.  Go ahead and post it.

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  • hello Valana, when will you post the udate by Cmdr. Val, is it possible still today?

    thank you

    • I just posted an update from Blossom and the GFOL, it works fine for me.

      Where can I copy it?

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