For the Dutch/Belgium Ashtar commanders.There are plans for a meeting and stuff.
66 Members


Updates komen hier te staan van meetings.
Updates of meetings will be here.

Next meeting on agenda:

24 May 2009

Today was the a great meeting of the ducht Ashtar command.
Later on their will be a discussion topic about today's event.
It was a great experience for many.
And we want to thank you for being there.

You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!

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  • Geen idee,...ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik de Ashtar command site niet meer zo frequenteer. 

    Zoek je naar informatie over een bepaald onderwerp ?

    groetjes Frieda

  • leeft deze groep nog?

  • thank you, Arthura, I defenitely will be saving money for cards for the convention and to visit you for both occasions. <3 helene


    Jaarbeurs utrecht 21 juni 2014

    Arthura gifs a seminar about ET and Starchildren.

    en de NAR: New Earth Resonance

    look at the event here on Spritual network

    link:  8113201286?profile=original

  • Ashtar. This is Admiral Esu Sananda the Christ speaking. I decree and declare war. The time has come. Execute Order 66: Operation Nightfall upon this world of which you are currently orbiting. This is to be a cleansing, a great cleansing on a great scale. Command your troops and ships to attack at three distinct locations. Washington, DC. Rome, Italy and New York City. Those are the principal areas of attack which through shatterpoint and energetic lines will cause the most chaos and effects upon the world. Wipe them out. All of them! Evacuate the lightworkes and small children who have not been corrupted. Bombard from the skies. Ring out EMP attacks from above. Attack with lazers. Invade planet earth and show no mercy, and no hesitation to strike. This planet is going to the light! Right Now!
    Lord Matrieya and I are commanders from the ground. We will work with Gaia to further cause chaos with weather systems and climate control including but not limited to - cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, sinkholes, lightning strikes, superviruses, volcanic eruptions and many more attritions which we are only beginning to imagine. AGAIN...evacuate lightworkers and uncorrupted children. Your primary objective is to neutralize all of humanities weapons and break down infrastructures: governments, economies, law systems as well as killing all people who are preventing this planet from going to the light. So be it. It is done.
    Christ Michael: hold Light in heart Shine like Star you will saved.
  • Our shils will Invade Earth. You should shine like a star we will not take darkness into new Earth. Our Kingdom will be one Kingdom for the whole earth so children of light shine like a star our ships will spot you. This is Your Father speaking. And those ships as you see are affirming my message im sending all over internet is to shine like a star
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  • Stralen als een ster
  • Hello Everyone Sterling recommened i join your Group, I am Vishnu- Maitreya, im working with Sterling in his mission.
  • hello sterling german, could not find your helene

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300 jaar strijd om het geldsysteem

300 jaar strijd om het geldsysteem jaar strijd om het geldsysteemby niels87In dit artikel beschrijf ik hoe er de afgelopen 300 jaar een voortdurende strijd is geweest tussen natiestaten en private banken rondom het geldscheppingsmonopolie én dat er voor het eerst sinds de Grote Depressie er weer stemmen op gaan om fractioneel reserve bankieren af te schaffen:De eerste private centrale bankIn 1688…

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Uitnodiging Jongerenweek 13-17 Augustus 2012

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0 Replies

Meeting: 01-09-2012 Volle Maan Groeps Meditatie Bloemendaal aan Zee

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Meeting: 8:8 Light Portal strand Bergen aan Zee

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Recent Activity

In Betwena posted a discussion in Dutch Ashtar commanders
300 jaar strijd om het geldsysteem …
Jun 19, 2014
Vonnie replied to Strijder's discussion UFO Peiling Nederland - Jouw Mening Wordt Erg Gewaardeerd!! in Dutch Ashtar commanders
"Hallo Strijder, als ik de link aan klik krijg ik het volgende te zien:
De webpagina kan niet…"
Oct 10, 2012
Vonnie replied to Strijder's discussion UFO Peiling Nederland - Jouw Mening Wordt Erg Gewaardeerd!! in Dutch Ashtar commanders
"Ha die Strijder,
Schandalig, ik had voor het laatst ingelogd in 2009, maar er is ook zoveel…"
Jul 19, 2012
Drome posted a discussion in Dutch Ashtar commanders
Lieve mensen, Jullie hebben eerder deelgenomen aan een jongerendag of middag. Daar kwam de wens…
Jul 14, 2012
Drome posted a discussion in Dutch Ashtar commanders
Jul 14, 2012
Drome posted a discussion in Dutch Ashtar commanders
Jul 14, 2012
Earthanimal replied to Earthanimal's discussion Goed nieuws + hulp voor Nederland!!! in Dutch Ashtar commanders
"Aaah! Super!
Thanks, mate!  Ga ik werk van maken om er foto's van op te zoeken online!  Momenteel…"
Dec 31, 2011
Drome replied to Earthanimal's discussion Goed nieuws + hulp voor Nederland!!! in Dutch Ashtar commanders
"This will also be helpfull
Geomancy Energy Distribution"
Dec 29, 2011