Could be, but then maybe not.....I've seen this image before, but it was the entire wall....can't remember where I've seen it before because I've looked at 10,000 of websites so who can say for sure. I leave it up to the descretion of the viewer and let them make up their own mind.^_^
Could well be a photo shop fake to 'Worth 1,' is full of them...check into the real images portrayed here to see if it really is real..also if it is,it could well represent something totally different and it be only ones perception of the image that brings the notion of an I-Pod form into your consciousness much like when people see faces in cloud formations say..
Could be, but then maybe not.....I've seen this image before, but it was the entire wall....can't remember where I've seen it before because I've looked at 10,000 of websites so who can say for sure. I leave it up to the descretion of the viewer and let them make up their own mind.^_^
Could well be a photo shop fake to 'Worth 1,' is full of them...check into the real images portrayed here to see if it really is real..also if it is,it could well represent something totally different and it be only ones perception of the image that brings the notion of an I-Pod form into your consciousness much like when people see faces in cloud formations say..