The Felines are one of the two primary races in our universe. They arrived here by invitation of the Founders. Having successfully completed their Universal Game and completing their universe, a group of 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to help setup and oversee the same game here. Please join if you want to add any information of if you feel you belong here!

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 Long ago the Lyrans came to our galaxy from another not far from this one, demonstrating their wonderful creative abilities of crafting and uplifting new species in Eden of the universe. They are a very peaceful peoples with an endless culture concerning their almost billion year old existience since their ascension. If it wasnt for them we wouldnt be here now, since they uplifted our own creators, the Pleiadeans. And for several years they continued this process of creation and as a result thousands of races rose into perfect balance and oneness with the universe along side with the mighty and loving Lyrans.
This great surge of Light attracted negative beings through natural Universal law. For a long time they mingled peacefully for many years in perfect balance and they too created beings to further balance the galaxy. The Lyrans homeworld is in the vicinity of Vega. From what I KNOW this beautiful planet is lush in both trees and plants and has an endless biodiversity. It is known to have many small waterfalls dotted all across the planets landsurface and this is where most Vegan citys develop. Though i'm not completely certain, but have a pretty good idea of, that Vegan priests wore tanish or green or dark purple robes with sometimes strange long-capped like hats. Otherwise most commoners also wore Purple. The Lyrans are Feline-like peoples that can range from 8ft to 6ft tall. Other Lyran groups can reach above 10ft. They have wonderful towns and citys but many are very isolated or small due to the fact that they can only go so far until they could possibly hurt the enviornment around them like trees or animal species. So a large majority of these places were put upon grassy fields and oasis's. Sadly i'm not sure enough what they're ships looked like but the Lyrans had also a large peacekeeping space fleet that traveled the universe to find new worlds to test their wonderful creating abilites.
And for a long time the galaxy was in peace and harmony for millions of happy years to come...
But something occured that made the negative beings angry at the Vegans and their creations and after many attempts to make peace once again a fellow allied star system was attacked by reptilian and bird beings fleet of ships and thus the Great Galactic War began. The Vegans didnt want to interfere. But when the battle front came very close to home, and after billions had been killed from Draconian and reptilian invasions alike the Lyrans feared that their homeland would not make it to the end of this war. So many told the species that they had most recently created, the humanoids, to escape from the attack and to make homeworlds elsewhere. They broke into three distinct factions and left for other worlds to prosper by. Not too long after Lyra was soon introduced to an ultimatum: You leave your homeworld, and never come back again, or: you die by the reptilian warcraft, and sent to extinction.
In such desperate times even some peoples ofthe extremely spiritual loving and peaceful lyrans called for some type of rebellion. But they knew they could not do this in fear of losing their spiritual place in this universe. When the attacks began a large majority fled to neighbooring universes and took everything they could to accompany them. Another majority integrated with the three fleeing factions which would later become the Pleiadean, the Orion, and the Andromedan humanoid races. While others stayed at their homes and would rather accept death for the pure fact that they couldnt live with the sorrow that is happening to the galaxy and to the peoples they themselves created. Then a terrible bombing run was released onto the great abandoned and once peaceful and serene lands of the Lyran homeworlds. And little was left of their history afterword. And none of their citys were left unmarked by the great destructive bombs of war. After Vega was successfully wiped of any Lyran inhabidants, and others taken prisoner, it was over. The reptilians thought they had succeeded in their genocide of the Lyran race, and that all were truely extinct from this universe.
Luckily, that wasnt true. A group of shamans and priests were specifically chosen to keep the teachings, the history, and the beautiful and peaceful culture of the Lyrans alive forever. Afterword many left their physical bodies to become immortalized not for the purpose of living near forever, but to spread their message more easily across the galaxy and so on. To the ones who listened to these divine priests and shamans the children of the Vegans now knew that the Lyrans were still very alive and that they were always there for the sons and daughters that they had helped create and uplift. They also told the children of the Vegans thriving in a sister universe than this one. This was mainly their message to spread hope to the postive beings of the galaxy. Because partly of their courage and virtue the moral of the postive beings at war was greatly increased and then they established a uniting-rebellion federation that would bring together all of the beings that wanted to be free of the reptilian grasp and thus, even against towering odds of their much smaller force, the reptilians surrendered years later. This would later become the Galactic Federation of Light.
Without the Lyrans, the war would never have ended on such a note, and the reptilians would have completely unbalanced the universe while killing billions of innocent lives. Now why cant the Lyrans just return to this universe now that the war is over? Well the reptilians though currently not in major warfare against anyone at this exact moment still havent felt sympathy(or is that empathy?) for the Vegans and what they have done to them. The Vegans were commanded to stay in the other universe and sadly never come back. Who knows when the rep's will have a change of heart but we should all know that even if reptilians have a bad past and they are negative beings, DOESNT MEAN that they are bad people. I'm pretty sure sometime in the far future the Vegans can safetly return to the universe and an age of harmony will begin once more.
Starseeds that have dominant Lyran origins may be confused at the fact that almost everyone in the galaxy is Lyran, because a large majority of the space federations that starseeds come from were or had relationships with the Lyran Federation of Light. It is almost certain that if you came from Vega one time you also reincarnated in other uplifted species as well. If you are purely Lyran, which is very rare, the only explanation is that you could be one of the famous Sages that stayed in this universe during the Galactic war.

(Information from: )

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  • Greetings all, sharing a new post about Lion Beings:

    The Winged Lions of Eremor

    Love & blessings, Joanna.

    The Winged Lions of Eremor
    Dear All, In Canopus: Return of the Navigator, we spoke about the star Canopus and the current ascension of its planet Erra’mu from a denser-drifting…
  • Hello and love to feline brothers, sisters and friends here. :))

    I have a leonine soul aspect, and would like to firstly share a page I've just added to my website, about a ship called the Shem Arua, 'Light of the Lion':



  • And I'm back. I guess the site bumped me off this group for some reason when Minerva closed her former account. A very merry purrrrfect Christmas to all of you.

  • She might be small, bur she backs down for nobody.

  • Go team kitten, RRAAAAAAOOOOOW

  • Hi! in a meditation i had lets say 2 weeks ago not really sure about the date :D but i for a moment saw a pure white feline female face. i dont know why but could this mean that i have once been feline or its my guide/guardian???? L&L

  • 8114412673?profile=original

  • Look what I found! :)


    Cat xxx8114409879?profile=original

  • I nearly forgot the Cat Being's message for October. Read it here:

    Should be an interesting month ;-)


  • 8114404855?profile=original

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Animal Consciousness : The Benevolent Nature of Cats and Dogs - The Sacred Felidae - AA Metatron via James Tyberonn

Channeler: James TyberonnWeb site: Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. With me are the energies and presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We welcome you, each of you here, in a 'Now' moment of unconditional love. Dear Ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the 'University of…

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3 Replies

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Ravenwallsdotter replied to Ravenwallsdotter's discussion Animal Consciousness : The Benevolent Nature of Cats and Dogs - The Sacred Felidae - AA Metatron via James Tyberonn in Feline race from Sirius and other origins
"And thank you for having taken the time to read the message, Isis. The animal spirits thank you too…"
Oct 4, 2012
Isis replied to Ravenwallsdotter's discussion Animal Consciousness : The Benevolent Nature of Cats and Dogs - The Sacred Felidae - AA Metatron via James Tyberonn in Feline race from Sirius and other origins
"Thank you for this message. I have a huge respect, admiration and an inexplicable connection with…"
Oct 3, 2012
Ravenwallsdotter replied to Ravenwallsdotter's discussion Animal Consciousness : The Benevolent Nature of Cats and Dogs - The Sacred Felidae - AA Metatron via James Tyberonn in Feline race from Sirius and other origins
"And thank you too FeatherWinger. It is an "older" message from a year ago, and may have been posted…"
Sep 1, 2012
Ravenwallsdotter posted a discussion in Feline race from Sirius and other origins
Channeler: James TyberonnWeb site: Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron…
Sep 1, 2012