Saint Germaine holds the Flame of Freedom for the Earth. The Violet Flame is the essence of the seventh Ray. It is used for Healing, Transmutation and many other things. There is also the Silver Violet Flame and the Golden Violet Flame. Violet Flame Reiki is a gift from Quan Yin who is also a Violet Flame being.


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Ascended Master Saint Germaine, le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe, and many other names belong to the fascinating mysterious man chronicled as, "The man who knows everything and never dies". He is well known for his involvement with shaping 18th century Europe. He was a favored guest at Versailles, confidant to King Louis and Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Queen Catherine of Russia, and many other heads of state during that time. He was known to have lived over 300 years, never aging, partially due to the mysterious Elixir and other alchemical substances he created. A few historical incarnations include; the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Merlin to King Arthur, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Saint Alban, Saint Joseph - father to Jesus, Prince Rakoczy (Rákóczi), and possibly, Leonardo Di Vinci. He was a powerful healer and High Priest in Atlantis. It was there that he first introduced the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation as a gift to humanity. His many lives have common themes of magic, alchemy, mystery, brilliance, transformation and spiritual devotion. All took place during pivotal times of history where he was instrumental in bring forth expansion and higher evolution of humanity.
He lives in both the Higher Realms; as the Lord of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray of freedom, alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation, and in earthly dimension; by physically appearing from time to time, and through his direct influence and instruction to people he has selected to be his "assistants". Soon Saint Germaine will reign as the leader of the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, when our planet Earth ascends into the 5th dimension.

The violet flame is the essence of one of the "seven rays". Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God's consciousness. The violet ray is known as the seventh ray.

When you invoke it in the name of God, it descends as a beam of spiritual energy and bursts into a spiritual flame in your heart as the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom and transmutation.

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  • 8114325292?profile=original

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  • Beautiful...thank you!
  • I had an life-changing experience with St. Germaine.  It's all about love,It's all about love, It's all about love - that's how it is in the higher dimensions....

  • our saint germain has been very busy ,this playlist tells us all bout it

  • 8114343280?profile=original

  • Violet Flame Transmision

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Master Of The Theosophical Society....The International Oraganization.....For Universal Brotherhood...

Friends,There is a Organization....."Theosophical Society" International Organization....founded By Madam Petrovna Blavatsky  From Russia And Master Henry Steel Olcott from New York, U.S.A.....In 1875 on 17th November.....At Present ' South India Near the head Quarter For the Society...And Our Master Saint germain has given them much guidance and still are giving to the members of the Society...along with other Masters.....Jesus Christ, Master  K.H.Maurya, Master…

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ST.GERMAIN: The Man Who Never Dies…

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i portali si aprono

pace.noi siamo pace.scusate io scrivo in italiano.non uso grammatica difficile cosi voi traducete sono il messaggio io sono sono mio compito e fare trasparenza tra di noi per vederci nudi questo essere un terremoto necessario,per capire chi siamo noi,come anima singola e come coscienza collettiva,io sono sceso nello scuro piu profondo e sono ho portato il seme di luce nello scuro per infettare il buio.diciamo che ero uno infiltrato della luce e ho…

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RichRaelian posted a photo in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
Apr 5, 2023
Michael replied to Madelaine's discussion ST.GERMAIN: The Man Who Never Dies… in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
Dec 1, 2014
Madelaine replied to Madelaine's discussion ST.GERMAIN: The Man Who Never Dies… in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"Yes Sohiniben, All Masters and much more...
let us be Gratefull...
Love and Hugss"
Dec 1, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to Dr. SohiniBen Shukla's discussion Master Of The Theosophical Society....The International Oraganization.....For Universal Brotherhood... in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"Dear Kelly,
I was cut of from this as accidental..
Thanks for your support here...
I love…"
Dec 1, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to Dr. SohiniBen Shukla's discussion Master Of The Theosophical Society....The International Oraganization.....For Universal Brotherhood... in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"Dear Alexander,
Thanks for your link here....
In Gratitude,
Dec 1, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to Madelaine's discussion ST.GERMAIN: The Man Who Never Dies… in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"Dear Madelaine,
All Ascended Masters are for helping us for our spiritual work and…"
Dec 1, 2014
nanodoug replied to Divsy's discussion The Science of Ascension Symptoms in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"I like this
I thank you for your sharing"
Jan 11, 2013
Rune. H replied to Madelaine's discussion ST.GERMAIN: The Man Who Never Dies… in Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group
"Great info.. 
But now it is time for us all, me and you to see the Master In our Self. We are all…"
Nov 16, 2012