Saint Germaine holds the Flame of Freedom for the Earth. The Violet Flame is the essence of the seventh Ray. It is used for Healing, Transmutation and many other things. There is also the Silver Violet Flame and the Golden Violet Flame. Violet Flame Reiki is a gift from Quan Yin who is also a Violet Flame being.
Master Of The Theosophical Society....The International Oraganization.....For Universal Brotherhood...
Friends,There is a Organization....."Theosophical Society" International Organization....founded By Madam Petrovna Blavatsky From Russia And Master Henry Steel Olcott from New York, U.S.A.....In 1875 on 17th November.....At Present ' South India Near the head Quarter For the Society...And Our Master Saint germain has given them much guidance and still are giving to the members of the Society...along with other Masters.....Jesus Christ, Master K.H.Maurya, Master…
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I had an life-changing experience with St. Germaine. It's all about love,It's all about love, It's all about love - that's how it is in the higher dimensions....
our saint germain has been very busy ,this playlist tells us all bout it
Violet Flame Transmision