I don't know how familiar everyone is with biorhythm charts, but--as we know--everyone goes through periods of ups and downs. I have *heard* that supposedly these rhythms occur due to the motions of celestial bodies. Of course, there are a lot of people who don't believe it, but I find them quite useful and not a matter of "pseudoscience".Anyway, there are three major cycles:(1) Physical (23 days) that deals with strength, well-being, coordination, etc.(2) Emotional (28 days-which corresponds…
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Hi, I was born Feb. 13, 1958 @ 6:26am in Batavia, NY. I recently ordered my astral chart which has many contradictory meanings in it..although some of it is so's scary! It leaves lots of unanswered questions like why am I here and why do I feel like I am just an observer so much of the time. Why do I feel disconnected from family members...any information would be greatly appreciated.
To emilyglc:
You have a strong attachment to lovers and you feel the need to be in control of the relationship which causes them to want to run away.You have very strong feeling and you are neat and orderly.You have a very strong communication with family and would be the one to keep the family in tact,especially the fathers side.You are a very good speaker and leader.People would come to you often at work confiding in you with what may be bothering them or coming to you for advice.You attract friends that start trouble,gossip and you do much better with male friends than female friends.
Hello! I am curious about my astrology chart too haha. My bday is 10/07/1989 at 10:19am san francisco, ca. I've been researching this topic lately and I was wondering if there is anything anyone can add to my understanding. Thanks!! =]
Hey Hey! 5/6/84 in the house :) But I think we do need to provide time and place of birth for better readings. I highly suggest going to and clicking on "extended chart selection" to check out your reading if you are sure of your time of birth. Have a wondrous day! :)
Hi friends , date of birth 42/07/1981 leo/ virgo - Serbia - i know that is somthing here but i dont know what ;)
dear Viola,it is very difficult for one to access the Ashaka records,unless it is included in there Blue-print in there present incarnation,and that is not part of my intutive gifts.the Tarot is very Ancient,and dates back many millenia even before the Essenes,The written history in Tarot,and now my counter-part is telling you this,originates from the writings of Thoth.if you are interested,the generosity of your present incarnation is out-lined in your current incarnation soul card,and also for you to develop,and listen more clearly from your inner voice direction,and advice,blessings eve.
Thank you very much, that seems true for me what I need to work on :)..just wondering you mentioned a past incarnation where generosity did not play a big part in my being, can you tell anymore about a past incarnation or the last one we had before this one? Can you tell anything about my purpose for being here , on earth at this time? Or where I am originally from?
dear Viola,sorry for the late reply,have been very busy lately,your birthdate for your soul card in this incarnation is STRENGTH Major Arcana card,and to grow in this life with more Self-Confidence,inner mental powers,more Patience,be more generous with generosity,as it was not implemented very well in your incarnation before this one, be more decisiveness" which stands for progress on the basis of confident presentation and good use of persuasive powers,and to focus on your mental forces to over-come the physical ones.