A group for those who live in India. A place to connect, share and explore.
13th Nov.2012.....is A Day of Solar Eclipse.....Along with the Festival Of Diwali.....for Hindus.....
The effects of this complete Eclipse will remain for three days and the day of New Year is also on the next day of Solar Eclipse..... Now we all are passing through the tremendous power of Energies and solar Energies are responsible for lots of Changes for the coming New year....Sohiniben.
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Happy Deepawali to all.....Nice to see so many Indians here.....Peace & to Love to all...
Dear Friends,
Wish You all Happy Diwali and best wishes for the coming new Year....
“The truth of life lies in the art of being one with life – a truth that not only takes us forward in our spiritual quest, but also elevates our level of consciousness.”
.. Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji
Dear Ranjan Kumar,
Prayers are good for our progress ...we can get the reply....from the Divine...if it has done from the depth of our Heart...
Dear richa,
Even Indians...by that what do you mean to say for Indians....
Indians are the people will rule over the whole world in few coming years...when Golden Age comes....and because of Indian Masters the person will be able to see the Heaven on this planet....These My words please keep in your mind....
Love , Light & Blessings....
proud to b an indian !!
Dear Rajnish,
Now the group looks good and has some good impression....
Thanks for your both the pictures....Masters of India is very good...