KUNDALINI - "Kundala" means 'coiled'. The Power is the Goddess (Devi) Kundalini-Shakti coiled in the Root (Muladhara) Cakra, at the root of the base of the spine. She is aroused in that Yoga which is named after her - Kundalini Yoga.
12 Chakra Mantras To Unlock The Energies....From Quigong Healing...
Sound is vibration. What you may not be aware of is that each of your chakras has a specific vibration as well – and you can use mantras that are known to be in vibrational harmony with each chakra, with the purposes of opening and harmonizing the system.Using chakra mantras during meditation can have a very powerful effect.Imagine a chakra as an instrument, and the mantra as a tuning fork – strike the tuning fork, and the instrument will come into vibrational resonance with it, clearing out…
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~XOX~ : )
I always find the easiest way for me to wrap my head around things is to start with the earliest possible source material and work my way forward. If there is something that explains the origins of the concepts described in this group I guess that would be a fantastic starting point for me.
Thank you!
What kind of information are you looking for? If you can be speicific, I will attempt to provide it to you.
with intent,
much love, lght and laughter,
I have a question ~ To billybangu ~ what Are you angry about ?
You sound like you have so Much to Give to the world ~ Smile ~ and ~
The World Will Smile back at YOU :0) !!!
This experience is denoted by a bliss energy moving up from the groin area through the front part of the subtle body but usually it stops at the neck and does not reach into the head.
The value of this practice is that it reveals to the yogi, the frontal nadi passages and it clear away impurities and dark energies which are lodged in the front trunk area of the subtle body.