Shakti is pulsating, vibrating, throbbing creating power or force of the manifest. These vibrations create the universe, the Big Bang, and all names and forms in manifested Creation. Everything that has ever existed is through Shakti.
These subtle vibrations of Shakti are represented as mantras (sounds) and movement (dance), and when a series of sounds and physical movements, are infused with Shakti, we transform our physical vehicle into a potent tool that will awaken the conscious mind and reveal knowledge and wisdom which leads to higher experience.
The innate, awesome and wonderful creative power of Shakti is our own life-force, bursting with potential. Shakti powers our body-mind, all of our perception, cognition, thoughts, behaviours, desires, drives, feelings, experience and humanity.
Shakti is the force that liberates us from individual limitation and takes us to higher levels of awareness and experience; transpersonal levels of existence.
“Kundalini” is a Sanskrit word meaning “coiled.” It is used to modify the noun “Shakti,” which means the spiritual power dwelling within every human being. Kundalini Shakti is the divine omnipotence surrounding the spark of Pure Consciousness at the core of our innermost selves. It is the subtlest manifestation of the One, the Ultimate Source, from which it is inseparable. This power aspect of Pure Consciousness has also been called Power Consciousness, the Divine Within, Holy Spirit, Divine Light, Inner Teacher, or Divine Mother and is known by many other titles, including the names of God in various spiritual traditions. All human beings, regardless of era, religion, or culture, are vessels of this Divine power within.
Kundalini Shakti is sheathed by her manifestation, the subtle body, which is our energy, mind, and discernment. She resides within the subtle body in either a contained or a released state. In her contained state, Kundalini Shakti is a tightly coiled static power that maintains the ordinary person’s life functions and consciousness. Upon her release, Kundalini Shakti rises through one of several pathways in the subtle body and reaches whatever level is possible, based on the conditions in the subtle body at the time of the rising. In her released state, Kundalini Shakti is dynamically active and strives to improve her status and complete her rising, despite whatever impediments may be there. Her ultimate goal is the spiritual fulfillment of the individual.
Kundalini-Shakti is the phenomenal energy of higher consciousness found in human awareness. Through practicing yoga in the dance of Shakti, the energy (shakti) that usually lies dormant at the base of our spines starts to move and rise on its own accord. As Kundalini-Shakti consciousness awakens, it becomes the most transformative form of consciousness we are able to experience! It changes your life and opens your heart. An ongoing and ever-expanding process happens, uniting Shiva and Shakti, or heaven and earth, at your heart centre. As the Kundalini Shakti ascends, Kundalini Shiva descends to meet her, and the marriage of spirit and matter is manifested if the physical vehicle can contain the energy of this powerful union. Kundalini is the primal glow of pure Awareness. It’s emptiness aspect is clear Light Awareness. It’s form aspect is movement, Awareness in movement, like water and waves. Kundalini is your true nature. Shiva and Shakti are one non-dual Beingness. The entire universe is kundalini in different rates of vibration. It’s Awareness is inseparable from it’s movement. It reveals it’s Awareness quality in the crown chakra, the seat of consciousness. The origin is the center of the heart, pure Being beyond even Awareness… It’s ultimate and formless attribute.
Are there classes, books or videos showing how to do this? Def a visual/image person. I've done Pineal Gland activators that help immensely. Would love to learn how to do this too. Great message~~~~~~~
Dear Branwen,
Thanks for your message...
You can write a book on this Energy but only one sentence is also enough saying...it's our Hidden Power or Strength and stored between our Base or Muladhar Chakra.....has power to release our past, Present & Future ....so works as a Triple pillar of Golden Light....extending from the heart center of our Planet Earth up to the source of all....