When kundalini attacks the 7th chakra, the crown or brahmarandra, it may do so from various angles. If it is a direct attack, kundalini will bypass any energy gyrating center (chakra) in the subtle head and reach the crown directly. This will put the imagination orb out of commission and the core-self will find itself in a bright golden light or in a shimmering energy, being pushed upwards by a mystic force.
Core-self relies on dense subtle energy for objectivity. Thus when it finds itself in the shimmering energy of kundalini at the 7th chakra, the core self may lose objectivity and become totally subjective, to such an extent that it cannot differentiate itself or anything else.
Some persons have marked this as a very advanced stage, as oneness with the Absolute.
Some yogis however who have transcended the need for dense subtle energy, are able to retain objectivity in this very advanced samadhi state.