- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgFCq14oWGA&feature=share&list=PLF9CF7CA6C644E074
- Links & INfo posted by bearwalker58
BOTH: 1 was located in Pacific,and 1 located in Atlantic. Lemuria was about 250,000 yrs.old,Atlantis was about 128,000 yrs.according to Cayce with about 40,000 yrs. overlapping. And according to Col. Churchward the Lemurian people were brown and lived under ground for protection from the great beasts that still roamed their Land.Yet,there knowledge of Science was unbelievable wasn't it? It was this Civilization that I finished in,for I could find no further proof of an earlier one other than a mention in Lemurian records that speak of an even earlier time of humanity.
To even think of a Civilization being even 128,000 yrs. old is mind-boggling to say the least.We at this time can't even think past 12,000 yrs. ,never mind 250,000.
One could even just throw the information away as absurd if it wasn't for the fact that modern archeological discoveries are turning up artifacts MILLIONS of years old, things that shouldn't be but are!
And throughout all this time,the God's have come,and the God's had left ,and if the Sumerian Texts hold true,they are on their way back...to re-establish their Supremacy over Man upon the Earth.
For they did not create the "Human",they merely sped up our evolutionary cycle by potentially 100,000's of years.
There are "fossilized" bones of "Modern Man".
- 5368989-Edgar-Cayce-the-children-of-the-law-of-one-and-the-lost-teachings-of-atlantis.pdf, 1.3 MB
8239252-Col-James-Churchward-The-Sacred-Symbols-of-Mu.pdf, 4.6 MB
ATLANTIS.doc, 3.2 MB
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