Enlightened Message 2

September 20th, 2010

A simple soft sweet presence is all that you are. This same presence is in everything. 
We are all deeply connected to this one vast pure sweet presence inside. You are soooo sweet

Open Your Eyes. Look at the Life you are creating. It manifests with every thought you choose. What an incredible Magician you are!
Enjoy being The Creator of this life. Your life IS unfolding perfectly.

Perfect Timing Is In Everything. The tomato falls from the vine when it’s ripe. And when you are ripe, ready, and willing to remain open, 
your being blossoms and you radiate like the Sun! It’s good to know your Light extends deep into this vast Universe carefully orchestrated 
to the most Divine Perfection. All there is is perfect timing.

Live from your Heart. Your heart knows the way and will bring you peace. Move your attention from your head to your heart. 
Shift from thinking into feeling and discover how simple life really is. The heart simply loves whatever comes its way

You are me, and I am you. Isn't it obvious that we "inter-are"? You cultivate the flower in yourself, so that I will be beautiful. 
I transform the garbage in myself, so that you will not have to suffer. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

September 19th, 2010

“The game of life is a game of boomerangs.
Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or 
later with astounding accuracy.” ~Florence Scovel Shinn

Think Only Abundant Thoughts.

Your thoughts are the fabric that weaves your world.
When you think abundantly, you start feeling abundant
and then you can make abundant choices in your world.
You will transform the foundation of your physical reality
by continuously thinking abundantly about all things.

September 18th, 2010

To find beauty in everyone you must see beauty in everyone, then announce that you see it, for in announcing it, you place it there in their reality. Do not miss a single chance -- not one single opportunity -- to tell someone how wonderful they are, how special they are, how important to you they are, how incredible as a person they are, how beautiful they are inside and out. Do not miss a single opening in which to insert such a comment, genuinely felt and genuinely meant. Make it your life's mission today to bring to the attention of another just how extraordinary they are. Say it. Say it. SAY it. Their heart is waiting to know that their own best thought about themselves can be believed.

Know this is a Magical Manifesting Universe. When your mind is living in a magical world 

then magical things begin happening to you. 
To understand that this world is truly magical 
you must first accept that you are a magical being. 
Let go of all limitations on who 
were and accept that you are powerful and magical now.

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming 'Wow! What a ride!!!'" ~Hunter S. Thompson

September 16th, 2010

Your Life is a Blank Canvas of Infinite Potentiality. In each moment, you create your reality from your imagination. From nothingness 
you manifest everything around you. You start each day with a brand new canvas. What new brush strokes are you adding today? 
We are tapping into
 your unlimited potential right now.

It would be very beneficial to take 15 min in the morning and 15 min in the evening-more if you can find it-to be quiet with your Holy Self. 

Your consciousness can be dramatically expanded over a relatively short period of time with true dedication to such a gentle discipline.

September 15th, 2010

Freedom is knowing who you really are. You are an infinite soul that has no limits on what you can manifest and experience.
Your being is so vast that it can never be contained. You are freer than a thousand golden eagles soaring into a million purple sunsets. 
Fly beyond your limitations and be free today.

It would not be beneficial to believe your Mind on matters that are very important to you. Your Mind can base its conclusions only on Past 
Data that it has collected during your present experience of Physicalization. It has no knowledge of things existing through all Eternity.
In order to access data having to do with Who You Really Are, and why any particular thing is occurring, you would have to have access 
to data from outside ur present Time Line. This data is only accessible through your soul. It appears in ur life as a "knowing." Trust this.

Don't close off the possibility of new truth because you've been comfortable with an old one. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Cultivating contentment is crucial to maintaining peaceful coexistence. Dalai Lama
"Life in itself is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory." ~Osho

September 14th, 2010

Be gentle with yourself. Whatever your mind is challenged with melts the moment you turn towards gentleness. Tune into the gentle presence inside you. You will never be harmed, or led astray by being truly gentle with you. Explore deeply… the Universe Loves you.

September 13th, 2010

Enlighten your mind. The simple Light of your consciousness is all you need to see through the darkest shadows of the mind. Let your shadows dissolve into this Light!

September 12th, 2010

I am soooo blessed. Repeat this mantra three times and welcome the abundance that is all around you now. You are soooo deeply blessed. 

September 11th, 2010

You are Pure Sweetness. Trust this gentle sweet Love inside you. It is sooo innocent, untainted, and pure. This is your primal true nature which you cannot change. We all bow down to your Succulent Sweet Self! 
The sage awakes to Light in the night of all creatures. That which the world calls day is the night of ignorance to the wise.Peer deeply into the darkness, then, and you will see the light. Yet turn away from the brightness of what others call "day", for they mistake the bright for the good.

September 10th, 2010

Helping is the greatest joy. Let no one go without, or be in real need, if you have what they lack. Share of your abundance. Even if you think you are not abundant, share what little you think you have. What else is the point of having something if you don't share it? To use it for yourself, and yourself alone?  Would that be the point? In fact, that would miss the point of all of life.

The greatest power is found within you. True power comes from deep inner peace. You will find peace not through efforting, it will come to you by choosing to relax deeper inside. Just relax…this is an infinite journey. There is no way to fail... Yes, you can find peace with your life just as it is. 

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