I have a need and that is desire. I desire to share myself and be accepted. I wish for all things to be right and inspiring towards progression. i know of the feeling of being lost, unwound and searching for something to bring you together. i am alone. i am myself and me and everyone is free to be a part of infinity. i close my eyes to dream of friends i never knew or am learning to know. i think my path is taking me home. home to a place of knowing without trying. i try and i fail. i try and feel guilt for trying. im tired of being wrong. im exausted at the fact that i could waste so much energy looking for something so simple.
Sometimes i don't know to be personal or simply obtruse. am i seeking someones help or helping someone to seek.. my mind is a mess of thought working to find itself in it's creations. i Am a mirror of the divine. can someone save me...I am saved . SAVED by the light of a new day and a new way to say i love you. hold me and tell me all is good and right and that everything has purpose.
I like this website and i like its people. i like this planet and well, i like these beings. the being that we are makes me question myself and wonder as to what purpose am i here. There seem to be many things i can think of to do that are of help. i need to allow and release and let all conceptions and expectations go in every moment. i can only plan so far to then re realise that god is the one doing the planning. i must lift myself up and know i am not alone. i am one with god and all things. i can allow god to work through me and for me for i work for god an the eternal self. we are here and thats all that matters.
my madness awakens me and hopefully you 2. i am tired of consuming and running in circles that seem to go nowhere but where i was before. my life is like an ocean flowing back and forth getting stronger then calmer. where do these giant sweels of nergy come from. how do i allow the cosmic force to work with my being. it seems like lately it has been ripping me apart and smashing me together. it doesnt feel all that great.
I am an odd person. i don't ever really have consistant friends and find myself in different groups all the time. i can't seem to hang out with certain sects of people very long even if i wanted to..in this respect i feel alone even unwanted at times. maybe i have built some bars between me and friendship. i think it's just that my ability to be friend to someone is not met at the same level i would like to see. i feel; my energy being waisted but somehow i know it's not. i am ready t o eat and share in the fruits of my work. won't someone eat with me, feel me and love me for just being there.