Don't Miss It!?
Carpe Diem!! (Sieze the Day)
On my way to the San Francisco airport, I got caught in traffice on the Bay Bridge. Wondering how long I would be stuck, I began to worry about missing my plane. Just having come from a restful retreat in the mountains, sudeenly I felt the stressful chemistry of anxienty encrouach on my body. Then an inner voice spoke: "It's one thing to miss the plane, but its quite another to miss the moment." Stunned, I recognized that I had just missed athe moment in life. I took a few deep breaths, looked at at the springtime sun shimmering on the water, opened the window to feel the breeze, and turned on the radio to hear some enjoyable music. Ah, that felt better. I could always ccatch another plane, but I could never catch another moment like now.
All of life is "right where you are now"! Never trade the peace of NOW for fear or worry. Because you can carry the spark of God with you, you have the power to illuminate, any time, any place.
Help me to be fully present, Help me to find beauty where I am.
I claim the riches of the universe, right where I am.