My Daily Meditation for August 13th

Prayer ConditionedMore things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. - Alfred Loyed TennysonA the orientation of a week-long spiritual conference at a Pennsylvania college, one of the 500 participants raised her hand and asked, "when are we going to get our dorm-room keys?" "We don't give out keys." the sponsor answered. "The entire campus is prayer conditioned, we have done conferences here for over ten years, we have never issued a key, and we have never had a theft or loss."The consciousness we bring to any activity creates a psychic environment that protects or undermines what we do in that field. Prayer works. Holding an activity in prayer or a prayerful attitude will draw to it a wealth of support, energy and protection. Sicentific studies have shown that praying over food changes the chemical propoerties and that hospital patients who recieve prayer treatment recover faster than control groups.In Russia, I visited a church where an icon of the Virgin Mary had been venerated during a plague. The plague took a grueling toll on the entire region except for the town that had prayed for intervention which miraculously remained untouched.When undertaking any enterprise or relationship, or when facing a challenge, make prayer your first line of support. It will help you far more than fear or worldly manipulation.I place my trust in you, though unseen to the human eye, you are perfectly present.God is my strength and my fortress, spirit never fails.

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  • I wanted to add a comment about that....a friend and I use to live with this horrible woman. We went to some kind of Jewish Ceremony at a temple and they were serving food. Well the food was "blessed" by the Rabbi. We had asked if we could have some of the leftovers and they said to help ourselves, but the woman we were staying with she just took it upon herself and helped herself to the food. That night after eating the food, my friend and I felt fine, but the woman we were staying with good a serious case of food poisoning. It wasn't until about a year later I read a passage in the Bible about something like that, where soemone ate bitter food but it was like honey in their belly. I actually was energized the next day after eating that food!? I didn't realize that (prayer) actually changed the chemical properties of food???^_^
    • Cool....hey I don't need to be made a believer....LOl....I am a BELIEVER!! I knew that was a passage in the Bible but couldn;t remember where????

      Have you heard of the (BREATHAIR) or the (BRETHAR)???

      Check this out guys I heard on another forum a while back there is a group of people that call themsevles the (BREATHAIR) or (BRETHAR) or something like that!? These guys supposedly live on (meditation and water) and again supposedly they DO NOT have the need to eat food??? That the water and meditation sustains them???

      I don't know how true that is but I do know this....I've heard enough about these Tibetan monks and the amazing stuff they do. I met a guy who lived in one of these monestaries for like (7) years. He told me some really wild stuff, like one time they took an elder monk and put him in a cave for like 29 days, no food, no water, and when the 29 days was up they rolled back the boulder and there he was....he was still alive!? These guys can go out and like meditate in like 10 below zero snow storms!? It's like really wierd stuff!? AMAZING!?
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