My Daily meditation for July 28

The Main Thing

The maing thing is to keep the main thing the "Main Thing"! - Aonymous

The rscal Nasrudin stood on the bow of a boat next to a pompous intellectual who began to quiz him on his education.  "Have you ever studied astrnomy?" asked the professor.

"I can't say that I have," answered the mystic," answered the mystic

"Then you have wasted much of your life.  By knowing constellations, a skilled captain can navigate a boat aroun dthe entire globe.  Then he asked, "Have you ever studied meteorology?"

"No," answered Nasrudin.

"Then you have wasted most of your life," the professor chided.  "Methodically capturing the wind can propel a sailing ship at astounding speed. "Then he inquired, "Have you studied oceanography?"

"Not at all." "Ah!  What a waste of your time!  Awareness of current helps sailors find food and and shelter."

A few minutes later, Nasrudin began to make his way to toward the stern of the ship.  As he ambled forward, he noncahlantly asked the fellow, "Have you ever studied swimming?"

"Haven't had the time," the professor haughtiliy responded.

"Then you've wasted all of your life-the boat is sinking."

Each of us reaches a point in life where we must decide what is really important and live from our highest values.  We must put aside lesser pursuits in favor of what trully satisfies our soul. When all is said and done, we will remember our moments of love and kindness, and all else will fall away.  Do not be distracted from your souls true purpose.  Do what is meaningful to you, and trust that all else will be taken care of.

Help me to stay on purpose today, I pray to live from my heart.

My priority is peace.  I do what I am here to do.

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  • Have a hard time reading this, the color of font against the blue is too hard to read for these old eyes.
    Happy Trails
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