Let It Be Easy
Life was never meant to be a struggle. - Stuart Wilde
A friend of mine invited author Arnold Patent to participate in a project she was sponsoring. After consideirng the invitation, Arnold told her "I don't think I'll be a part of this venture. When I try the idea on for size, it feels like a struggle for me. My life is about ease."
My life is about ease. Now there is a powerful affirmation! Imagine how much more joyful and creative you would be if you refused to participate in anything that was a struggle, and relaxed into what you're doing so that it became a dance instead of a drudgery? You just might end up living heaven on earth!
Whenever you feel a sense of strain, ask yourself this question:
How would I de doing this differently if I were willing to let it be easy?
Letting it be easy does not mean siting back, succumbing to laziness, and expecting everyone else to do everything for you. letting it be easy means honroign your aliveness, acting from the place in you where life is meaniningful, and releasing any notion that you must participate in activites that deaden you.
When you proceed from joy rather than rote obligation, you will have so much more creative energy and health that you will be more powerful to manifest the life you choose, and serve others in the process.
Lead me from struggle to ease that I may refelct the Light of the world.
I magnify peace as I do - what I love.