Once more I beheld the most beautiful cloud which held my eyes, I could not look away and the light of the sun its rays shined through the cloud like a million brilliant diamonds and the cloud parted like a door way in Heaven opening and I beheld him, he was the most magnificent being I have ever beheld. He had a rainbow in one hand and his eyes were like saphires and light and power emanated from him and love so strong I had trouble looking upon him for I felt weak and powerless as I looked into my eyes.
My child write unto them who would listen these words:
I tried to write, I tried to contemplate I tried to understand what these words meant, what was being transcribed into my mind...like a massive download of knowledge I could not fathom the depths of information which had been transpossed to me and into me, into my mind, my heart and my soul.
There I saw a billion worlds all of which he had traveled, he was known too many!? I saw the world which he had created, the New Heaven and New Earth which we are passing into...so many beautiful things of which he showed and revealed to me.
He said these things I give freely unto you my dear child for you have been a faithful child unto me....but I could not meet his gaze for I felt like nothing to him for all the bad things I had done in my past. But he touched my shoulder and told me not to fear, he touched me and said that all these things had to pass for me to become what I am today.
Namaste, my brothers and sisters...the key is LOVE...LOVE and UNDERSTANDING one unto another...