Something to think about

Part of this book I'm reading called ice trilogy. The trippiest book I've ever come across. Flawed still, but makes you think.

In the beginning there was only the Primordial Light. And the Light shone in the Absolute Emptiness. And the Light shone for Itself. The Light consisted of 23,000 Light-bearing rays. And one of those tays was you, Bro. Time did not exist. There was only Eternity. And in the Eternal Emptiness we shone, 23,000 Light-bearing rays. All the rays turned toward the inside of the circle, and after 23 pulses in the center of the circle a new world was born. We created the heavenly bodies:stars and planets, meteorites and comets, nebulae and galaxies. Their numbers grew. And their Harmony gave us Joy. The Eternal music of the Light sang in them. We created the Universe. And it was sublime. And it came about that we created a new world, and one of its planets was covered with water. This was the planet  earth. We had never created these kinds of planets before. And we had never created water. For water is not constant - it is disharmonious. It is capable of creating words it self - unstable and disharmonious worlds. This was the Light's great mistake. The water on the planet Earth formed a sphere-shaped mirror. The moment we were reflected in it, we ceased being rays of Light and were incarnated as living creatures. We became primitive amoebas, in habitants of the boundless ocean. The water carried of tiny bodies. But the Primordial Light was in us as before, thought dampened a bit in the disharmonious, world-spawning water. As before there were 23,000 of us. We scattered across the expanses of the Earth's ocean. The disharmonious water engendered not only living beings but time as well. We became prisoners of the water and time. Billions of Earth years passed. We evolved along with other beings inhabiting the Earth. Our upper vertebra developed into an enormous tumor called the brain. The brain helped us figure things out better than other animals. So we became humans. Humans multiplied and covered the Earth. Dependent on flesh and time, people began to live by the laws of the brain. They thought that the brain helped them to dominate space and time. In fact in only enslaved them to disharmonious dependence on the surrounding  world. People with well-developed brains were called intelligent. Intelligent  people were considered the elite of humankind. They lived by the laws of the mind and taught them to others. People began to live by the mind, enslaving themselves in the flesh and time. The developed mind engendered the language of the mind. And humankind began to speak this language. And this language covered the entire visible world in an opaque film. People stopped seeing and feeling things. They began to think them. Blind and heartless, they became more and more cruel. They created weapons and machines. Throughout their entire history people have engaged in three main activities. Bearing children, killing other people, and using the surrounding world. People who proposed anything else were crucified and destroyed. Engendered by the unstable and disharmonious water, people have birth and killed, killed and have birth. Because humans were a great mistake. Like everything living on Earth. And the Earth turned into the ugliest place in the Universe. This little planet became a genuine hell. And in the hell we lived. We died as old people and were incarnated in newborns. unable to tear away from the Earth, which we ourselves had created. And as before, there were still 23,000 of us. The Primordial Light lived in our hearts. But we didn't know this. Our hearts were sleeping, like billions of other human hearts. What could awaken us, so that we might realize who we were and what we needed to do? All the worlds that we created were harmonious and permanent, dead in the Earth's terms. They hung in the emptiness, giving us joy through the harmony of peacefulness. The joy of the Primordial Light sang in them. The earth alone violated the harmony of the Cosmos. For it was alive and developed on its own. The Earth became a dreadful tumor, and the cancer of the Universe. The Divine balance of the universe was broken. Worlds shifted, deprived of the Divine Symmetry. And the Universe that we created gradually began to scatter in the Emptiness. But a piece of the world of Harmony, which we had previously created, fell to the Earth. This was one of the largest meteorites that had ever fallen to earth. A huge piece of Heavenly Ice, in which the Harmony of the Primordial Light sang, having traveled for billions of years through the Universe. This was Heavenly Ice, created hard and transparent, according to the laws of Harmony. By its nature it was different from the pitiful earthly ice that formed from impermanent water, although on the outside they could not be distinguished. The dust of the Cosmos had settled on it, forging a thick iron armor. The armor helped it to withstand entry into the Earth's atmosphere and broke off when it hit the Earth. This happened on June 30, 1908, here, in Siberia. The Ice fell to Earth and entered its soil. The water of the Siberian swamps hid it from people. The permafrost helped to preserve it. For twenty years the Ice waited for you, It is right beneath you. It is yours. It was sent here by the perishing Universe. Salvation lies in it. It will help you and the rest of Earth's hostages to become rays of Primordial Light once again. It will bring your hearts back to life. They will awaken after a long sleep. They will speak their secret names. And they will begin to speak the language of the Light. The 23,00 brothers and sisters will find one another again. And when the last of the 23,000 is found, you will stand in a Circle, join hands, and your hearts will pronounce the 23 words of the Light's language 23 times. And the Primordial Light will awaken in you and will turn to the center of the Circle. There will be a flash. And the earth, the lights sole mistake, will dissolve in the Primordial Light. And disappear forever. And your earthly bodies will disappear. And once again you will become rays of Primordial Light. And the Light will shine as before in the Emptiness, for Itself Alone. And it will begat a New Universe - Sublime and Eternal.

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