the RAF bentwaters case

i was not far away from bentwaters when this event went down

they came to my base as well and we had to pop open our structures the next day

we all seen them and dealt with the issue in many ways

see this video link for whole report

here is the short story


the base i was at from late 78 to early 82 as an A1C Security Specialist with ABGD/fire team leader WSA 10th SPS USAFE

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  • Ben Rich¹, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks, was not joking when he said: "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity...anything you can imagine we already know how to do." "There are 2 types of UFO’s the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs."

    End The UFO Cover-Up? Are You Kidding We Are Making Trillions! | The Galactic Free Press
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    • ya, i was south of  bentwaters at alcunbury before during and after the contacts ,they (more than one faction i think around 9 types of crafts over two months,they would come by our base as well and beam light into our hot nuke bunkers (5 meg. plop drop type for the FB111) i had to guard the opening up of the structures for MOD and others for inspection and we joked about the whole ordeal ,i did here the name of the airman who was abducted the first night ,wish i could remember it now,but i should see a hypnotist and get what i have to the ones working on this case i sis leave comments on there vids and will pursue this case more now i have time , so board with being finished with school per say i new and know Drekx is trustworthy and knows what is going on more than most ,i should spell things i mean and say more clearly ,i stated my star family had said they would be on guard at the games so the cabal could not do a false flag op not meaning they would land but i did not get it across rite so well it was still fun and good ,i wish i had more time on line then to get humble and wise on his awesome blog and great responses i am proud of him ,Drekx , and you too Kelly BBL,Obi

    • yes,would be nice to work with some one ,it is more difficult to do remote viewing alone as well because you can not do a blind or double blind run without one who picks the target for you without your knowledge of it ,alone you spoil it just by knowing the target already

  • 8114288464?profile=original8114295697?profile=original8114296086?profile=original8114288853?profile=originalthis one above is my patch ,


    we had tiger sharks ( i was born in the year of the tiger no doubt)

    8114296473?profile=originaland fantoms

    8114296669?profile=originaland stuff we don't see still today

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