Once a padawan always a padawan!

She'll make a good Jedi master someday in the ficitional galaxy far,far away!

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  • Hello Drekx! I read your message below and I must say I'am insulted that you would call me a 10 year old pretending to be a adult.I'am fully grown and I don't need to be told to grow up besides your remark almost sounds like somebody saying,"Why don't you go back where you came from."I suppose your entitled to your remark but I have to tell you something.Someone once said to me,"You act like a little boy instead of a man."I wasn't feeling well at the time when she said it and I quit that chicken shack job I was apart of.It was out of line for her to say it and I cried when I got home from work.Another time when I worked at Eddie Bauer as a stocker a african american gentlemen who was a sales man working their at the time made another comment that made me very angry he said,"He meaning me expects everyone to do his thinking for me."He had a lot of reverse discrimination tendancies towards whites.I was so mad by what he said I couldn
    t let it go.Because I couldn't let it go I was taking a shower after I quit my job and a angry african american voice threatened to kill me while I was in the shower anyway you better think first before you make comments toward me that accuse me of being immature.I should contact the adminstrator of this site and have you removed from this site for good.Of course you can do the samething to me if you want to but your still out of line for saying that to me.Part of me will never forgive you for that comment however my Raelian part will and so that is all I have to say for now goodbye!
  • I'm beginning to suspect that you are actually 10-years old and pretending to be adult.... GROW UP....!! 


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