PLEIADES Children belong here! Where are you from?
March 22nd Spring Equinox....
Service each other through love. An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when the plane of Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun. At this time the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus(equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, night and day are about equal…
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“Feelings are your guide. Trust your feelings and learn to express them, and do not blame anyone for how you feel. Be yourself, observe yourself. Look to understand any crisis you have been in or will be in.”
~Barbara Marciniak, Fanily of Light Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living
Change your scenery and visit somewhere new!
Let us join together in unconditional love and light the fire of enlightenment to upgrade Earth's planetary consciousness to recognition of our interconnected nature! ~Dave Kenyon