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Pleiadians on earth

The Pleiadian stars themselves hold a certain type of frequency. Each and every
star in the universe holds a frequency, an intention. The intention of the Pleiadian
system is one of love, emotional love.

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  • Hi! I'am a Raelseed from Earth with no soul to speak of but my supra-consciousness does exist within me as a aspect of infinity and if you need proof my ET creators the Elohim's DNA are present if you do believe me than no rational explanation is required.
  • 8115463693?profile=original

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    “Feelings are your guide. Trust your feelings and learn to express them, and do not blame anyone for how you feel. Be yourself, observe yourself. Look to understand any crisis you have been in or will be in.” 

    ~Barbara Marciniak, Fanily of Light Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living

  • - YouTube
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  • 8115599701?profile=originalAre you tired of the same old routine?

    Change your scenery and visit somewhere new!

  • Let us join together in unconditional love and light the fire of enlightenment to upgrade Earth's planetary consciousness to recognition of our interconnected nature! ~Dave Kenyon
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
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March 22nd Spring Equinox....

Service each other through love. An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when the plane of Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun. At this time the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus(equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, night and day are about equal…

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Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me

HIII!!!!!!!!!!!!this lady gave me her name in energy formshe is a high council member but I have no idea what to ask her?ideas?I am channeling now but she sais she want to answer not only my questions but people questionsI would like to know if someone of the group want to ask her anything?I must say I am not a "normal" channeler she talks in friendly coloquial language so just ASK her ok?

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6 Replies · Reply by Anna Themeli Jan 9, 2022

Welcome To Pleiadian Enlightenment Academy.....Christine Day....Ambassador From Pleiadians...

WELCOME TO THE PLEIADIAN ENLIGHTENMENT ACADEMYIT IS WITH GREAT JOY THAT I HAVE BEEN able to channel through this sacred work from the Pleiadians. They have opened up an exciting opportunity for us to receive the very first program in a series of unique Courses that they wish to teach us.The first Course comprises a program, or series, of Light Initiations called Language of Light.I am privileged to be working with the Pleiadians, and invite you to join me in this wonderful adventure of…

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The Pleiadian Story By Christine Day.....Ambassador Of Pleiadians....

THE PLEIADIAN STORYIN 1994 I HAD MY FIRST CONSCIOUS CONNECTION TO AND communication with thePleiadians. It sounds extraordinary, I know, but this is exactly how it happened.I was out walking in nature. I turned a corner into a meadow and found myself staring at a huge space ship about 20 metres away from me. Coming out of the ship was a group of tenPleiadians. As they moved towards me they were greeting me telepathically. I was immediately filled with an overwhelming sense of their love for me;…

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Recent Activity

RichRaelian posted a photo in Starseeds From Pleiades
I don't want to skip over it.
Apr 12, 2023
Anna Themeli replied to Lucia's discussion Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me in Starseeds From Pleiades

Jan 9, 2022
Dr Soumya Bhattacharya replied to LiviAthena©'s discussion Do you remember your Who are you? in Starseeds From Pleiades
"What would you guys comment on my alien past life identity?let's see"
Sep 15, 2016
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla posted a discussion in Starseeds From Pleiades
Service each other through love. An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September),…
Mar 22, 2014
Timea Orbán replied to Lucia's discussion Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me in Starseeds From Pleiades
"So you've met two of your twin souls? Wow. Demanding is really not my style, not to anyone, let…"
Feb 3, 2014
Lucia replied to Lucia's discussion Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me in Starseeds From Pleiades

I am a "mage" as all we are so I just did a spell to "call" my twin soul

Feb 3, 2014
Timea Orbán replied to Lucia's discussion Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me in Starseeds From Pleiades
"My Twin Flame is here with me in spirit form and I so wished I could meet him some way. Not sure if…"
Feb 3, 2014
Lucia replied to Lucia's discussion Somone named Kendra from the plaidian high council contacted me in Starseeds From Pleiades
"Caspian.... the process is sloow but first "deamons" were removed... reptilians next
no is…"
Feb 2, 2014