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  • Hi everyone! Im not sure what celestial connection i have to beings from places other than Earth, but i do know i came here to learn about myself and that this planet is my home for however long i am here. :) Namaste

  • hi everyone i found a great link id like to share with you and hope it helps those with the same question as im now contemplateing - which star system am i from ? check this link out :) -  http://www.starseedsonline.net/1/post/2011/6/what-star-system-are-y...

  • hi everyone its nice to have found this web site im exited and look forward to communicating with you all its good to be able to talk with others with simelar interests in spiritual subjects as the average person you meet or talk to on a daily basis are a little closed minded in regards to this all and its awesome to be able to speak with others about these things and feel normal instead of the odd one out. and on that note i recently looked at some websites with questions   to see if you are a star seed and have come here from other star systems, i answered yes to quite a few of the questions and things started to make sense to me about my life questions like- do you feel different to other people and feel like you have never fitted in ? did the school education you had make no sense to you? do you have a strong inner feeling you are here to do something in this life but cant put your finger on it? allthough you love your familly do you feel like you are different to them and you cant exsplain it? do you think differently to others? . ive allways felt all of these things and now im starting to wonder if i am in fact from another star system and am wondering how do i find out which planet im from ? where do i begin ? can anyone offer any advice please ? .

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/group/newmemberslounge?commentId=2...

  • Hi guy i was just wondering if it was possible to get a reading of me origins. thanks a lot Love & Light

  • i am new here :) hi to all my new friend - i kinda dont know where i am from but i think that i am arcturian , can anyone help me :) i also draw pitcure of my self ill attach it so take a look :) my%20reflection%20in%20the%20mirror.png

  • Hello everyone, I am new here and can't wait to meet everyone and share! I have had much contact with various beings but do not know where I originate from. When I go to sleep I ask if I am to meet anyone , could they please tell me my origins..but no answers yet.Is there a way for us to "know" where our home really is?

  • I like open eyed meditations when connecting to nature. There is such beauty & love that mother earth has to offer us. I did an open eyed meditation in church and saw myself in spirit form with other earth humans flying in space to live in Venus. A pleaidian man contacted me once thru telepathy. He said his small spaceship was circling our moon waiting to help us. Haven't heard from him since. Two explorers wanted to know everything about me and a friend while walking home at night. They tickled my third eye and also put up a force field all around us. I told them that they were welcome to come out of the trees and meet with us, but told us that they tried that before and found that their form frightened us earth humans. 

  • Hello, everyone! I'm new to Ashtar Command! A friend of mine did a soul profile session with me, and he said that I am part of the Nihal soul group. Does anyone know if there are specific planets that are associated with this group? I feel like I've visited one of my home worlds before, and it was a really neat experience :-) I was just wondering if anyone could give me a little bit more info. Glad to be here!
  • How do I find out what star I came from orginally? I do not think I came from 3D planet Earth. I love to look at the Milky way at night
  • I know I'm not from here, but I don't have the slightest idea from where I'm from - how do you find this stuff out?
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Nibiruan Council....A Message From Jelaila Starr...

Hey Sohini, The movement to connect people with their guides continues. As I did in previous weeks' messages, I'm providing an update on the most often discussed topics. The reason for these updates is to gain clarity as to why the guides have asked for this. Here is what was most often discussed during this past week.Self-Love--the Gift of the Inner ChildOne of the most memorable sessions this week was Joan (not her real name). Shocked, devastated and terribly confused, Joan was struggling to…

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We Are From Stars.....Scientific Proof That We are From Alians....

November 5, 2013 - DON'T be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says so.Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilisation, Discovery.com reports.They call it "biological SETI" and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.In a nutshell, we're living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra…

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Planet Erra (or Errah)

The Pleiades was the last Star System i was living on before i came here. I have some memories of Erra, and would love to hear of anyone else's. The deep blue's were beautiful i remember some of the animal life and what the transports looked like, and how we communicated, and several hand gestures of parting and Love. What the sounds were like, and the beautiful sky.....please feel free to share your memories or impressions :-)

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How to find your Starseed markings....by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Check out the rest of this on in5d.com..To find out your starseed markings, check out this links:Also, check this one out, too! Starseeds and Our Human OriginsThe following is from Jo Amidon's book, "Where Are You Really From?" Who you are has a lot to do with the day, date and time you incarnated here on Earth, due to the specific planetary starseed alignments at the time of your birth. The alignment of specific planetary positions in the houses will tell you what specific type of destiny you…

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RichRaelian posted a photo in Star Origins
That knowledge of gray ET's was known all the way back to 1936 a year before my father was born.
Mar 13, 2023
turtles replied to Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ።'s discussion ~ANDROMEDA~ Starseeds... in Star Origins
"this is right on the money for me
totally correct about needing freedom and feelings of being…"
Nov 18, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla posted a discussion in Star Origins
Hey Sohini, The movement to connect people with their guides continues. As I did in previous weeks'…
Mar 25, 2014
082nniy9dcg5u replied to Dr. SohiniBen Shukla's discussion We Are From Stars.....Scientific Proof That We are From Alians.... in Star Origins
"We all have alien DNA because we are all from another world at some point. It is a matter of what…"
Nov 6, 2013
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla posted a discussion in Star Origins
November 5, 2013 - DON'T be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says…
Nov 6, 2013
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ።'s discussion ~ARCTURUS~ Starseeds.. in Star Origins
Oct 16, 2013
Sean J D replied to Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ።'s discussion The Blue Starseeds (Sirians)... in Star Origins
"smiling to have found more family, no doubt ~ no question ~ why would I question what I have been…"
Jan 27, 2013
Bright Star* replied to Bright Star*'s discussion Planet Erra (or Errah) in Star Origins
"Do you have recollections of Erra as well? :-)
That makes sense what you said about the Lumerian's,…"
Nov 23, 2012