All Discussions (17)

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light saber tech ?


Comment by Obi wan 18 minutes ago
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you make twin coils wound with a 12 point star pattern and tuned to vibrate at a specific frequency in harmony with the crystal used in the torsion field generator between the two

Comment by MasterofLig

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The Liquid Crystals Glossary

Pleiadian Liquid Light Technology

The Pleiadians are from the star system called the Pleiades. This group of beings mastered the elemental compound H20, water at a high spiritual level. They called the use of their discover

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Violet – An Emotional Core Color

Inspirational, visionary, charismatic, powerful, magnetic, dynamic, leaders and teachers They know they are here to do something important to help uplift humanity and the planet They are here as teachers/leaders to e

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The Lost Ray of the LightWorker

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness o

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The Etheric Council informally known as the Elders are the Creators first Born into Heaven. they are the divine elements of the Creator.These beautiful and Unique Souls are much taller than any other race. Eight feet tall in terrainian terms.And they

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Checking Out the STARGATE


Trial Run through 11.11.11 Stargate


I see the 11.11.11 Stargate/Portal before me. It is unimaginably beautiful. The colors on the perimeter are violet, but inside the Stargate, they morph into a new spectrum of color that is unseen in the third dim

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ascention grid

by James Tyberonn

The Ascension Grid (aka Light-Grid) is the formed energetic lattice that covers our planet. It reflects and amplifies our ascending levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline 'light' matrix that was anchored in 1992, five years a

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