The Lost Ray of the LightWorker
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
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As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. You were not recognized for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves. It was tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you had the spiritual power tools to be victories in your mission.
For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and you, the Blue Rays, have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions. You the Blue Ray Beings are the overlooked and forgotten ones, and have been essential in clearing and setting the stage for humanities ascension. Because of you, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.
We Wish to ‘Thank you’, from the ones that can’t articulate your divine presence, all of humanity, your star sisters and brothers of light and the sacred higher realms. We are in constant praise and support of you!
Remember! Blue Ray, there is much more coming for you, for your time has come.
The Blue Ray Mission:
Infiltrate the system in a normal capacity, always remembering who you are and where you came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher awareness. No matter how painful, long or arduous the job was, it was your mission and you had the spiritual tools, insight and divine light to see it through.
Blue Ray Traits:
· ‘Transformers’, using alchemy you naturally transmute lower energies.
· Average age range: Late 30′s to 50′s
· Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.
· Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings. Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher realms. You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.
· Often mistaken for an Indigo.
· Very adaptable and empathic.
· Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
· You are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for you to express yourself. It’s part of you mission.
· May have taken many years for you to be able to speak up and be seen.
· Have blue in your aura or have lots of blue around you. You will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
· Most are energy or spiritual healers as you wish to heal and help others.
· Are water types. Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance and nature is very important to you.
· Learned how to hide your supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.
· The Waiting, Star Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a higher path. This activation will attuned you to your core essence and will affect your career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
· Most of you were not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents. You had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction first.
· Feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the evolved races of earth. Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to the Atlantians.
· Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.
· Feel out of out place in your family, feel your biological family is not your true origin. Feel you are from the stars, another planet or evolved race.
· Are the peacemakers with your family and with friends.
· Have great inner long-term persistence. You get to your destination.
· Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.
· Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected to the deva of water.
Of course we do , there is a fine line between the two, remembering that the influx of the blue rays started in the 70s and continued on, there are many fascets to us that parallel the aspect of the indigos only thing is we were still heavily controlled by society rules and we were the imergants.
Blue Rays were the first wave of indigos to be honest
dear Mol,Lucia,yes i agree,wr are really a miix of the two,the first wave started in the late 40s,after the 2nd world war,and early,and late 50s ,and i incarnated into a family that was i guess very dysfunctional,unstable,as from an early age,my mother was in and out of hospital,and myself,and 2 sisters were always staying with different relatives,aunties,and uncles,grandmother,grandfather,and it was like that,from the beginning,when i was school age.always so lonely.alwaysnever being able to adapt,when in summer months,sleeping under the starry night sky on a blanket,i had my first visit from a messenger in my mid twenties,telling me this,which at the time was totally unawakened,and was told this,you have many mountains to climb,and even after you have climbed them mountains,you will have to go thru the wilderness,and then you will reach your goal at the end.i got on with my life,married,had 3 children etc,as my former partner never really understood me,he used to sing a song to me,a 45 record he bought me,called,Blue Angel,ironic isnt it,and it was not until just on 20 years going on now,when i had my physical death experience,from a clinical death,and in that time,leading up to it,had an image down of my higher-self,only to discover from the clinical death awakening that the image was my higher-self,but the first Blue-ray wayshowers started in the late 40s,early 50s,then more of a influx,then onward,so al in all,no easy feat for Blue-rays,blessings eve.
my TwinFlame counter-part is the male,me the female counterpart,TwinFlames are really Androgonous,as the one esence of source,blesings eve.
oh,sorry,i forgot to mention,i was born in 1950,blesings Saul(eve)
as a footnote,i have the image displayed on discussion,as my PCdesk top screen saver,please feel free to use and share,as each morning when the computer is turned on,i see the beloved blue-rays,and it always brings a smile to my face,with instant memory recall,of there visitation to me,blessings eve.
dear brother Mol,yes thats correct,thats who i am,late last year i was unwell,and one night,as i slept in bed(thats when my light body becomes very active) i sensed someone in the room,i rolled over,to see,with my spiritual eyes of course,3 blue star beings standing bedside my bed,they looked very similiar to the pic above,if you look at the pic,the darker shade of blue was there skin colour,they too,had no hair on there heads,wore the same similiar shade of clothing attire,which were tight fitting,there eyes were the same shape,and had the similiar shading on the sides of there eyes,and they had a black band around there waists,as i looked at them,i could see,such empathy,and concern,of love on there faces for me,worried i guess,about my physical health,i was just about to speak to them,when they disappeared,i have known,that yes,they are part of my star-family,but there are also white skinned ones as well,(blue-ray) i had to write a aoto channel manuscript in 2008,and i had to title it,the 7 rays of light,i have always been very close to the creator of source of all that is,thats why i have repeatly told alf,that my seal of loyalty will never be broken,and will do my best to my ability,to teach my wisdom,that is alloted,and given to me,on the net,to help as many as i can,love,light,blessings to you eve.