out of body expiriances any of us have

OK, i remember this much about one thing i was up to ,i was sitting in a nice chair at a computer council but way more better than that, and i had something in my boot, so i look down and see my boot, it is white and blue and like a ski boot.so i take off my boot i have gloves on and some suit like all white and blue and as i pulling my boot off i see my light foot all made of light and shaped like a foot mostly clear with some vains of other light and i am all "cool" got a get this on video but when i put foot in front of cam. it shows it as normal on the screen so i am thinking that sucks and is weird so then some one said we got a go let's go and off we went i remember where we went was dusty and not much light we were on a retrieval and rescue mission it seemed ,and after we got back and i was getting some gear of some thing happened and now my neck hurts but this pain went away quicker than normal it takes about a week useally but this time only a day .LAL,Obi

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    • my first out of body was brought on because of a lack of sleep and at a time when i was sharing a story with some one i actually fell asleep wile talking and my entire environment changed and it lasted a long time as i was able to go mobile and create a strange world ,at the end of it i was trying to jump over a wall and ended up flying like super man till i got scared of the altitude

      the second was brought on because i ate a whole lot of fruit all natural and wile i was trying to fall asleep not long after consuming this mass amount of fruit that had my brain on high octane  i think , i could feel my spirit start to climb out of my body as i was dozing off, this caused me to get scared and it stopped as i kept trying to breath and could not ,this happened three times in a row as i was trying to dose off i finally said go with it and i did it was amazing and long ago for much details but it is all about letting go of fear of loosing your flesh body

      buy the way do you know if it is a requirement to connect with your twin flame to graduate this round , i have been told i am finished with school but i have not met my twin yet , i heard this some where and it bugs me , of course the last time i spoke with god about my having no desire for a mate,god said "I am your lover now" and why i am sure this was not meant literally i makes me wonder what was meant, kinda freaks me out well hmmm  , never mind , i really do not care anymore about to much ,least of all this.

      well it seems like a lot of things around this site are going quit well ,or is it just m new eyes, both perhaps ,cheers dear 1HappyKelly

  • awesome to here from you Silverstar i am looking for the white room talked about by Chief Golden light Eagle to speak with Obama my self ,or transmute him ,it is cool to know we do all we can do always for the love and the light ,we need no medal or parade we just do it for love ,Obi

    • Thats interesting, could you share any details about this "white room" i had an OBE and was taken to a white room.....


      Cheers :-)

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