The Military Industrial Complex invented a fictional race to resemble Pleiadians, whose name sounds like "Ashtar" - in order to introduce "Dark Fleets" to the disclosure community. To create fear around UFOs. Corey Goode admits to mind-wipes, military handlers and being confused on a number of subjects. This has never been about attacking Corey, but about finding the truth. He's not trying to deceive anyone. The so-called "Ancient Builder Race" he's spoken of are the Pleiadians.Does the…
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I love Sirius always have and feel very close to dolphins and other star seeds must be one myself love you all:)
¤ ..and what did the Sirians not of Orion ( lime-green ) origins say? ;-)
The same? ~only with slightly different vibrations~ ? ;-D
The Sirius Agenda. Sirius is my star family, They are benevolent beings of the golden light. They have relayed messages to me about there mission to help us on planet Earth.
They told me that Planet Earth has much fear, which makes the energy dark. It puts a veil over everyone so people cannot see clearly. Everyone is in fear, not one group, but everyone! It is making the planet sick.
they said. "We are now sending Earth more golden light with green rays making it a lime-green color. They continued to say, "People need to be open in order to receive. It is that easy. It is a living Light. Green is healing & Love and the golden ray is Purification , Be open to the Light." They also said during the shifts from 2005 to 2012, Earth has moved closer to the Sirius Constellation.ThunderBeat
I don't know if it's a fact or how or in what way, but I resonate with Sirius and my personality and experience fit a profile I read on one of these sites that describes people from Sirius.
** Has recently come to my attention, that 'the -original- mirror consciousness
- is not of this Earth*S All *****Blue print****
( ( (( Arcturius *Gotta Love 'em **Right** ? - - ((( (AM)) ) )
*** Will **engage () ' '' '
** Will BE
* Will BE ( 'if' they understand - - )
A '*parent*' ly? The only One - who understand THAT PICTURE ? -- --
POSTS?!? )) - Gotta LOVE Being Human -