Hello! Everyone! I'd like to introduce some exotic, strange cultural sculptures, called black-shelled jades(黑皮玉).
Our korean collector excavated those sculptures in China from 1990s. The suspected ages by Carbon dating was from 14000 years ago. But, China doese not want to those sculptures in public research because of possibility of turning upside on their ancient history.
Maybe, these sculptures are related with Mu, or Mago (we called Mago Grandmother) Civilization. The facings of those sculptures are somewhat different from modern Humanity.
That picture is the cabal, illuminati Elite version of Ganesha. They depictured my and Lord Shiva´s son a freak. Bellow are what Ganesha TRULY looked like...
My and Lord Shivas beautiful son, our little treasure Ganesha <3
Daddy Lord Shiva with his son GaneshaDaddy Lord Shiva, me Annapurna and our son Ganesha <3
Mommy Annapurnas and daddy Lord Shiva´s little cuddly boy, Ganesha <3 We love you so much!
I still do not like the pictures and messages that angels who have black angel wings and like the color black are among the evil once! If they bloody KNEW hoe many satanists there are that are wearing white clothes and bright colors..
There are even corrupted angels with white angel wings and wings of all colors! To say that all angels who has black angel wings and happens to like black clothes are evil is as racist as saying that all colored people are evil! THAT IS RIDICULOUS and VERY EVIL TO SAY AND CLAIM!!!
Time travel is a very interesting subject indeed,to date i have had this happen to me with 2 members on ACC,and earlier this year i even had a Astral conversation with Frenzy,and we shared a few laughs with each other,the other member lives in America,but will refrain from mentioning his name,many blessings to you,love you all heaps eve.
Dear Peter, very interesting! So, you went to near future moment reality in watching the episode in English or...you navigated to another similar reality of like the video guy. Or,... maybe, I'm sorry, just joke, you possessed with a kind of ghost with 4th D. <LOL> In our countries' proberb, in this circumstance we called "be possessed with a 1000 years old female fox." For example, when a traveler crossed a mountain in night, there was a house in a heart of the mountain, so he knocked and a beuatiful woman welcomed him for a night lodging. Tomorrow morning, he waked and there was no house in that place. In this case, we say it "be possessed with a 1000 years old female fox." So, maybe many legend tales seems to be also experienced with this kind of parallel realities. <3 Seban.
Seban, Peter is not the only one that time travels. I do it more frequently actually. I do it both in astral and physically. I will tell you about few of them later on.
I'd like to introduce an interesting message to all of the Ainu group members, in order to start the discussions about "parallel realities" and/or "Déjà vu" (meaning of "already seen")
If you have any further comment or discussions, please reply to this!
Today we would like to focus your attention on what is commonly referred to as Déjà vu. Many would describe this as having the feeling that you have already seen or experienced the exact circumstance that is currently being experienced. We have been asked to speak about this topic before however we felt that it was better that we first shared our perspective on parallel realities and the nature of time before attempting to give our explanation about this “phenomenon.”
Very simply put, déjà vu is the conscious awareness of your shift from one parallel reality to another. Although you are a regularly shifting back and forth between many parallel realities depending on the choices you make and the vibration you choose to resonate with, your conscious mind does not detect the shift. However, every once in a while there is an “over-lap” for lack of a better which is experienced consciously, which has been referred to as déjà vu.
Let us offer you an analogy so that you may better understand our explanation. Imagine that each moment of your life is a snapshot; a still picture. Each still picture is strung together by the choices you make and the direction of your focus and intentions which directly affects your vibration. Now imagine these still “snapshots” or “frames” are strung together to form a motion picture. This is very similar to how your motion pictures or movies are made. Each still frame is rapidly viewed which gives the illusion of movement. At any time there are of course an infinite number of parallel realities that contain a different choice or a different “snapshot” for you to choose from. With this image, it is a bit easier for the mind to understand just how often you shift from one parallel reality to another. However when Déjà vu is experienced it is as if one still frame has been experienced twice. How? Why? Let us further explain.
The other key component is “time” or rather your experience of linear time. Again, as we have mentioned many times before “time” is part of the illusion. You experience time pass in a linear fashion which helps to solidify the illusion of your physical reality. As we have explained in earlier messages, we perceive time to be very flexible. We use time as a marker to help us to find the experience we would like to direct our focus, much like page numbers in a book which help you to find the passage you want to experience. We also experience everything as being in the “now moment” and all experiences are happening simultaneously. We understand that this can be difficult for the human mind to grasp because it has been trained and made to function within the illusion of linear time.
As you shift from one parallel reality to another your mind perceives the experience as one solid line; a fluid, smooth, compilation of one thing after the next. The human mind filters all other realities out in order to allow you to perceive this very unique experience of having just one timeline, just one reality in your conscious awareness. Remember that in the higher realms you are consciously aware of all realities and you can see how all decisions will play out. The unique opportunity which you are all a part of allowed you to have a very different experience. However, every once in a while your conscious mind perceives the shift between parallel realities. Because the conscious mind has no way of processing the information with the logic that it uses to filter the information, the shift is experienced as being an exact replica of another experience that has already been perceived. Yet really it is simply a mirror image of an experience that you did in fact experience already in the other reality you shifted from.
Often times when you are experiencing déjà vu, you cannot remember the exact “time” or instance when you have had the exact experience, all you know is that you have had that very experience before. It feels like every minute detail, even the very feelings you have, are being repeated. The reason being, you have not had a “similar” experience to the one which you currently perceive; you in fact have consciously perceived the very same experience twice! The first was when you shifted from the “other” parallel reality, and once again in the parallel reality which you have shifted to. Your conscious mind filters the duplicate out most of the time, leaving you with no conscious recollection of the experience; however every once in a while you are able to detect the similarity which leaves many “scratching their heads” in amazement.
So the next time that you experience “déjà vu” you may find it to be quite fascinating now that you know that you have just perceived a shift from one reality to another.
We hope that this message has in some way served you.
Seban, there are many ways to "time-travel" and I've experienced a lot of it. Those times like Peter pointed out when you see and experience alternate timelines are the wildest of all in my experience. But when you simply rely on the Sacred Mind to work in Tandem with the Sacred Heart, this allows you to "BE" in the moment, but that "now moment" isn't about solely the present at all as time is not so much about a linear sequence of events as it is simply about the expansion of ALL THAT IS.
There is a multi-dimensional sight that begins to open up on the ascension path and this "seeing" comes in many forms. Although, in these cases, my physical self remains put right where she be, but in an expansion of awareness, I am able to experience future potential conversations with anyone I wish to interact with and I do this everyday. Those "potential" conversations are indeed very real, but often times, these individuals aren't even aware they're having a conversation with me because it occurs on an alternate "potential" timeline.
Here is an example. I write an email to you and I hear your response to my email before I ever send it out. This allows me to adjust the verbiage I choose in order to provide you with a more comprehensible and/or harmonious explanation of what I had to share with you. And in this way, I actually change the outcome of that future conversation, even though I had personally experienced multiple versions of it. I use this as a tool in all my articles and videos I create on a large scale in order to avoid being spiritually attacked by those that do not understand. And this inner dimensional sight is part of the higher vibrational spectrum of the 4th dimension, so we will all begin experiencing much more "deja-vu" and full-on astral jumps more and more as we get further across that rainbow bridge.
Hello! Everyone! I'd like to introduce some exotic, strange cultural sculptures, called black-shelled jades(黑皮玉).
Our korean collector excavated those sculptures in China from 1990s. The suspected ages by Carbon dating was from 14000 years ago. But, China doese not want to those sculptures in public research because of possibility of turning upside on their ancient history.
Maybe, these sculptures are related with Mu, or Mago (we called Mago Grandmother) Civilization. The facings of those sculptures are somewhat different from modern Humanity.
You can view various kind of sculptures:
more sculptures
That picture is the cabal, illuminati Elite version of Ganesha. They depictured my and Lord Shiva´s son a freak. Bellow are what Ganesha TRULY looked like...
Mommy Annapurnas and daddy Lord Shiva´s little cuddly boy, Ganesha <3 We love you so much!
I still do not like the pictures and messages that angels who have black angel wings and like the color black are among the evil once! If they bloody KNEW hoe many satanists there are that are wearing white clothes and bright colors..
There are even corrupted angels with white angel wings and wings of all colors! To say that all angels who has black angel wings and happens to like black clothes are evil is as racist as saying that all colored people are evil! THAT IS RIDICULOUS and VERY EVIL TO SAY AND CLAIM!!!
Thanks Devi for a wonderful agelic picture! <3 Seban.
Time travel is a very interesting subject indeed,to date i have had this happen to me with 2 members on ACC,and earlier this year i even had a Astral conversation with Frenzy,and we shared a few laughs with each other,the other member lives in America,but will refrain from mentioning his name,many blessings to you,love you all heaps eve.
Dear Peter, very interesting! So, you went to near future moment reality in watching the episode in English or...you navigated to another similar reality of like the video guy. Or,... maybe, I'm sorry, just joke, you possessed with a kind of ghost with 4th D. <LOL> In our countries' proberb, in this circumstance we called "be possessed with a 1000 years old female fox." For example, when a traveler crossed a mountain in night, there was a house in a heart of the mountain, so he knocked and a beuatiful woman welcomed him for a night lodging. Tomorrow morning, he waked and there was no house in that place. In this case, we say it "be possessed with a 1000 years old female fox." So, maybe many legend tales seems to be also experienced with this kind of parallel realities. <3 Seban.
Seban, Peter is not the only one that time travels. I do it more frequently actually. I do it both in astral and physically. I will tell you about few of them later on.
Aniela, I see it! <3
Hello! Everyone! <3
I'd like to introduce an interesting message to all of the Ainu group members, in order to start the discussions about "parallel realities" and/or "Déjà vu" (meaning of "already seen")
If you have any further comment or discussions, please reply to this!
Déjà vu
Source: Angelic Guide http://angelicguides.wordpress.com/
Today we would like to focus your attention on what is commonly referred to as Déjà vu. Many would describe this as having the feeling that you have already seen or experienced the exact circumstance that is currently being experienced. We have been asked to speak about this topic before however we felt that it was better that we first shared our perspective on parallel realities and the nature of time before attempting to give our explanation about this “phenomenon.”
Very simply put, déjà vu is the conscious awareness of your shift from one parallel reality to another. Although you are a regularly shifting back and forth between many parallel realities depending on the choices you make and the vibration you choose to resonate with, your conscious mind does not detect the shift. However, every once in a while there is an “over-lap” for lack of a better which is experienced consciously, which has been referred to as déjà vu.
Let us offer you an analogy so that you may better understand our explanation. Imagine that each moment of your life is a snapshot; a still picture. Each still picture is strung together by the choices you make and the direction of your focus and intentions which directly affects your vibration. Now imagine these still “snapshots” or “frames” are strung together to form a motion picture. This is very similar to how your motion pictures or movies are made. Each still frame is rapidly viewed which gives the illusion of movement. At any time there are of course an infinite number of parallel realities that contain a different choice or a different “snapshot” for you to choose from. With this image, it is a bit easier for the mind to understand just how often you shift from one parallel reality to another. However when Déjà vu is experienced it is as if one still frame has been experienced twice. How? Why? Let us further explain.
The other key component is “time” or rather your experience of linear time. Again, as we have mentioned many times before “time” is part of the illusion. You experience time pass in a linear fashion which helps to solidify the illusion of your physical reality. As we have explained in earlier messages, we perceive time to be very flexible. We use time as a marker to help us to find the experience we would like to direct our focus, much like page numbers in a book which help you to find the passage you want to experience. We also experience everything as being in the “now moment” and all experiences are happening simultaneously. We understand that this can be difficult for the human mind to grasp because it has been trained and made to function within the illusion of linear time.
As you shift from one parallel reality to another your mind perceives the experience as one solid line; a fluid, smooth, compilation of one thing after the next. The human mind filters all other realities out in order to allow you to perceive this very unique experience of having just one timeline, just one reality in your conscious awareness. Remember that in the higher realms you are consciously aware of all realities and you can see how all decisions will play out. The unique opportunity which you are all a part of allowed you to have a very different experience. However, every once in a while your conscious mind perceives the shift between parallel realities. Because the conscious mind has no way of processing the information with the logic that it uses to filter the information, the shift is experienced as being an exact replica of another experience that has already been perceived. Yet really it is simply a mirror image of an experience that you did in fact experience already in the other reality you shifted from.
Often times when you are experiencing déjà vu, you cannot remember the exact “time” or instance when you have had the exact experience, all you know is that you have had that very experience before. It feels like every minute detail, even the very feelings you have, are being repeated. The reason being, you have not had a “similar” experience to the one which you currently perceive; you in fact have consciously perceived the very same experience twice! The first was when you shifted from the “other” parallel reality, and once again in the parallel reality which you have shifted to. Your conscious mind filters the duplicate out most of the time, leaving you with no conscious recollection of the experience; however every once in a while you are able to detect the similarity which leaves many “scratching their heads” in amazement.
So the next time that you experience “déjà vu” you may find it to be quite fascinating now that you know that you have just perceived a shift from one reality to another.
We hope that this message has in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.
Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://AngelicGuides.wordpress.com
Also, interesting video for parallel realities!
Seban, there are many ways to "time-travel" and I've experienced a lot of it. Those times like Peter pointed out when you see and experience alternate timelines are the wildest of all in my experience. But when you simply rely on the Sacred Mind to work in Tandem with the Sacred Heart, this allows you to "BE" in the moment, but that "now moment" isn't about solely the present at all as time is not so much about a linear sequence of events as it is simply about the expansion of ALL THAT IS.
There is a multi-dimensional sight that begins to open up on the ascension path and this "seeing" comes in many forms. Although, in these cases, my physical self remains put right where she be, but in an expansion of awareness, I am able to experience future potential conversations with anyone I wish to interact with and I do this everyday. Those "potential" conversations are indeed very real, but often times, these individuals aren't even aware they're having a conversation with me because it occurs on an alternate "potential" timeline.
Here is an example. I write an email to you and I hear your response to my email before I ever send it out. This allows me to adjust the verbiage I choose in order to provide you with a more comprehensible and/or harmonious explanation of what I had to share with you. And in this way, I actually change the outcome of that future conversation, even though I had personally experienced multiple versions of it. I use this as a tool in all my articles and videos I create on a large scale in order to avoid being spiritually attacked by those that do not understand. And this inner dimensional sight is part of the higher vibrational spectrum of the 4th dimension, so we will all begin experiencing much more "deja-vu" and full-on astral jumps more and more as we get further across that rainbow bridge.
<3 Jacob