
  • What is avalon isnt that like the home planet of our golden races 

    • dear Sister,this is a excellent vid,so happy to see it here also,love,light,blessings eve.

    • Thank you eve! I am glad it was educational my video about the Holy Grail...

  • Durga was not CM Atons wife back then bro! Not according to AA Michael. Durga is a war goddess and she certainly was not married to CM ATON, or lets use his star elven namr shall we, Michael Atonel. There is way to much mix ups with the names with the gods and their wives and other heroic figures that you have no idea Matt. For example acording to the rewritten Mahabaratha rexts I Annapurna was married to Vishnu. Well, we know very well that Vishnu was Krishna´s nickname in some parts of india back then and that Vishnu was my father. I let you know who Durga was married to and who CM ATON at that time when he was reincarnated down here and who he was married to ok.. I have to let AA Michael tell me that from the reincarnation records and history records. OK! Can take a while, he is not here at the moment. Only AA Luciel is...

  • Your answers are precise and it is OK for me. We are all serving to that great LIGHT, spreading the messages of LIGHT to expel the darkness in every heart. Darkness is simply an unknowing, ignorant or dormant stage. I awakened in 2004 and dived into Wingmakers materials accidentally. Then, many knots started unfold itself and finally what I am seeking is only the Truth (sathya). I raised many questions because the recorded history has many flaws and incorrect incidents as many are fabricated. For every reasons happened / happening there is a story behind us. When a mother feeds the children, she tells several storys and the mother knows some are simply tales and are not facts. But the child takes up every thing taught to her / him is the truth. When it is from the mother's mouth it is all set to believe what is unreal also a real. Similarly what these religions taught also only a fragment of truth. None of them are absolute truth. Therefore, great avatars do not belong to one particular religion / faith. May be they do not intended to create any religions. Every thing is an illusion except great LIGHT (PARA BRAHMAM). By our conversation many will get enlightened on the recorded falsehood. Truth alone shall set us free. Nameste.  

  • Thanks Friend! Lord Rama said to be the same Krishna who left the earthly plane in Uluru, central Australia. High amount of radiation.

    it seems nuclear weapons used in those days where the present day deserts (Sahara in Africa, Central Australia, Thar desert in Rajasthan, India, Kalahari in South Africa etc.

  • Oh! Thanks dear Friend. Anubis is an Egyptian God with Jackal head? Who is the entity called Prajapati who had a goat head? Is he father of Sati? (A consort of Shiva?)

    Did Lord Shiva actually wearing snakes around the neck, crescent moon in the head, and tiger skin at torso?

    Sekhmet is again a Egyptian Goddess, aka Durga?


  • Thanks! Dear Friend. 

    Were you a ARJUNA then? The great Bhagavad Gita was given to you at the battle field of Kurushetra! You were the Master of Archery, none equal to you. Have you received special weapons from Lord Shiva. You won the Princess Draupadhi to marry in an Archery competition.

    How for these are correctly recorded in Mahabharatha?

    Thanks! Nameste!!

  • Yep, I know what you mean. I went back in time 200.000 years, about a half year ago i think. I spended time with Shiva, I felt his touch his breath, everything and the sex was amazing. precious blue pleiadean prince, Lord Shiva...I love him so much! <3

    When I woke up I was confused and was wondering for a short while...Where the heck am I, until I realized I was back in my apartment! hahahaha Cool stuff this time travels..

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"What is avalon isnt that like the home planet of our golden races "
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Archeia Luciela replied to Archeia Luciela's discussion Discussion Room 2 in The Ainu-Ra Group
"Thank you eve! I am glad it was educational my video about the Holy Grail..."
Jul 10, 2013
evonne. replied to Archeia Luciela's discussion Discussion Room 2 in The Ainu-Ra Group
"dear Sister,this is a excellent vid,so happy to see it here also,love,light,blessings eve."
Jul 10, 2013
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Jul 10, 2013
Archeia Luciela replied to Archeia Luciela's discussion Discussion Room 2 in The Ainu-Ra Group
"Durga was not CM Atons wife back then bro! Not according to AA Michael. Durga is a war goddess and…"
Jul 7, 2013
Guru - (GERALDO JOHN ESU KUMARA) replied to Archeia Luciela's discussion Discussion Room 2 in The Ainu-Ra Group
"Your answers are precise and it is OK for me. We are all serving to that great LIGHT, spreading the…"
Jul 7, 2013