
  • For those seeking out PAST LIVES..

    This past life stuff, I choose several years ago and asked my Higher Self specifically to keep this all hidden from me, because I'm am working towards clearing that Karma and trauma of those past lives from the other side of the spectrum. I believe this is far more healthy for the soul and far more empowering as well, to unlock our past. Allow me to explain. 

    When people ask a Healer or Guru, or our Lord for example, "Who was I?" This is the process of learning "FROM THE BOTTOM UP" or from the Physical on up, but what happens when we do this is we learn "WHO WE WERE" as physical people in our historical past and this may become etched into our physical brains indeed and perhaps we discern these things in the Mental Plane and perhaps we even confirm these things in our Sacred Hearts, but simply "KNOWING" is NOT enough, because these dark past experiences are not then fully examined and cleared within our BEING. This is what I saw several years ago as I will continue to explain. 

    What I do is to discover these things "FROM THE TOP DOWN" or from the Highest GOD Self, down on into the Physical incarnate expression of our BEING. Why do I do this? Well, I have said many times such things as:

    "Waking Up is not the end of anything. There is ALWAYS another question to ask.. another layer to peel.. another wound to heal.. another note to play.. another song to sing.. another bell to ring.. another seed to plant.. another tree to climb.. another "me" to find.." 

    "In Humility before ALL THAT IS, we discover ALL THAT WE ARE.. In Gratitude, we begin reflecting this wisdom upon others." 

    What I suggest in these quotes is the importance of HUMILITY. And that is the process I have chosen for myself, because I know deep within that KNOWING is not enough and that it is those EXPERIENCES that teach us WHO WE ARE and NOT the names or the Historical References we have available to us that tell us "WHO WE ARE" as these so called "facts" are indeed so very twisted from ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And indeed those EXPERIENCES are what gives us TRUE WISDOM and this is far more valuable to us than simply KNOWING. 

    So how do I go about learning and clearing "FROM THE TOP DOWN"? As I said, "in HUMILITY before ALL THAT IS" is how. I humble myself before everything and this includes my inner self and truly taking responsibility for my thoughts and emotions. 

    Sure, I too have been told and have confirmed "WHO I WAS" in several of my more known incarnations, but this information means NOTHING to me as that KNOWLEDGE IS NOT WISDOM and those harsh vibrations and situations of those past incarnations are NOT "WHO I AM" -not in the slightest. WHO I AM, NOW, are the lessons I've learned from those experiences, NOT the experiences alone! And that is the important difference here I am pointing out today; we still have much to reflect upon and to learn from those past incarnations. 

    So in HUMILITY, I monitor my thoughts and emotions. And when I am feeling uneasy, or angered, depressed, sad.. whatever Human emotions I might encounter, I seek within and ask, "What is this showing me?" And in meditation, and perhaps even an entire sleep cycle later, I discover a breakthrough about myself in some clarification of my own behavior that needs to be corrected. These signals, or warnings, we experience as emotions and they certainly do come FROM THE TOP DOWN. And those emotions are our soul's TRUE FEELINGS being expressed in the physical.

    And what I gain from this is often times forcing me to face dark experiences from my past. Sometimes I don't even know where they are coming from, but I face them nonetheless! The "where" and "when" is not so important. That WISDOM is so very much more valuable to me than KNOWING "WHO I WAS" because I AM NOT, "WHO I WAS" at all. I AM "WHO I AM" or more accurately.. I AM THAT I AM. I AM my Highest Self, I AM my Higher Self, I AM my past as much as I AM my future, but NONE OF IT MATTERS if not 1st BEING... HERE... NOW... the living incarnate man, I AM. 

    This is my process. This works for me. I only share this to express another perspective. Be THAT WHICH YOU ARE, HERE, NOW, dear Brothers and Sisters! <3 Jacob

    • Dear Jacob, Sean. Nice hear from you again! <3 You are pinpointing "the knowing matters of past lives for most lightworkers."

      Thanks! Good Comment I see! Sometimes, I am afraid of knowing my past lives because I am sure whether I was toward Love and Light in the past, though this time I try to follow Love and Light. So, seeking to know the information on past lives might be a "hot potato" because if we know it fully, we cannot play a role with other karma related people as planned in forgotten state. The only knowings about my previous lives are just fragment informations from other partially awakened people, but I am sure whether he was telling me truth or just misunderstanding. <3


    • mistyping... because I am "not" sure...Hehe Sorry. I've found this time!

    • Yes, we all have fear, but see that is why I humble myself and seek out that fear as through whatever emotions are showing me my immediate most important lessons in the moment, here, now. And when we clear those issues this way, those memories will come much more easily since we cleared those fears right away, whether or not we even knew what they were coming from at the moment. 

    • Thanks Jocob,Sean! "humble" should be very important ones I also realiesed.


  • You've been many many great beings in history! So you have been no rest time for a soul during consecutive earth incarnations. <3.

  • Dear Peter! Thanks a lot. Your information might be very happy and Great to our country people. Next time, if you have any specific message as Hwan-in, please let me know. I'd like to inform our country lightworkers of this. <3


  • Dear Frenzy44, Hi!, the reply button I couldn't find, so reply on this item.

    So, you Archilles have some odd feelings when general people just say something analogy as "Archilles' tendon! <LOL> Thanks! <3

  • Thanks for your response! <3 Our korean ancient dynasties include:

    (1) Hwanin (桓因) Period: 1st - 7th Hwan-ins (B.C. 7199 - B.C. 3898?)

     - 1st Anphagyeon(安巴堅) 
     - 2nd HyeokSur(赫胥)
     - 3rd Gosiri(古是利)
     - 4th Juwooyang(朱于襄)
     - 5th Seokjeim(釋提任)
     - 6th Kuwulri(邱乙利)
     - 7th Giwiri(智爲利) 

    (2) Hwanung (桓雄) Period: 1st - 18th Hwanungs (B.C. 3897 - B.C. 2380) 

    (3) Dangun (檀君) Period: 1st - 47th Danguns (B.C. 2333 - B.C. 295)

    But, this data is just mythology of our country, not correctly proved.

    So, we've presumed the first Hwanin as CM Aton. Is that right? Some guy claimed jesus was 7th Hwanung called GeoRyeon (居連) and 7th(or 5th) Dangun called Hanyul(翰栗) (or Gueul(丘乙)). So, I'd like to know whether the 7 Hwanins are just one being or which Hwanin you were! <3 Seban.




  • I see! He is Zhao Yun, in chinese characters, 趙子龍. So, at that time, Frenzy44 was an important lifesavor for Peter many times! <LOL> At that time, the 185 cm height was very tall.

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