The Paa-Tal List (High Elves)

  1. Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara (Reincarnated in Australia,aka Lord Krishna, aka Virachoca Kumjat, aka God Zeus)
  2. Luciel Aluriel (Reincarnated as Quetz-Al Kumjat *Pleiadean native*)
  3. Laurel Aluriel (Reincarnated as Tezcat-Li Kadar *Pleiadean native*)
  4. Rex Shinel (Reincarnated as Commander Andromeda Rex *Andromedan*)
  5. Kort Rahdael (Reincarnated as Commander Korton *Korian*)
  6. Ashtar Sahriel (Reincarnated as Ashtar Sheran *Pleiadean nordic*)
  7. Lucien Aluriel (Reincarnated as Officer Xzai-On Kumjat *Pleiadean native*)
  8. Lucian Aluriel (Reincarnated as Officer Xzai-An Kumjat *Pleiadean native*)
  9. Lucas Aluriel (Reincarnated as Officer Cher-An Kumjat *Pleiadean native*)
  10. Monty Aluriel (Reincarnated as Commander Mon-Ka Kadar *Pleiadean Native*)
  11. Sean Michael (Reincarnated as Jacob in USA, aka Divine willpower, aka AA Metaron)
  12. Sven Michael (Reincarnated as Steven in USA, aka St Germain, AA Sandalphon)
  13. Sham Raguel (Reincarnated as Samual in Australia, aka AA Shamual Immanuel Michael)
  14. Ad Rael (Reincarnated as Matthew in Australia, aka Frenzy44, aka Mars, aka Ares)
  15. Aniela Michaela Michael (reincarnated in Finland,aka Goddess Aphrodite, aka White buffalo calf woman)
  16. Aniu Sariel ( Reincarnated in Poland, moved later to sweden)
  17. Jen Rachael (Reincarnated in Canada, aka Joan of Arc, aka Goddess Athena)
  18. Yanannah (Reincarnated in Australia)

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  • Maybe a few on ACC will point there Computer Cursor on to this post and have a look at the soul truths written here,excellent truths,blessings eve.

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"Maybe a few on ACC will point there Computer Cursor on to this post and have a look at the soul…"
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Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara (Reincarnated in Australia,aka Lord Krishna, aka Virachoca Kumjat, aka…
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evonne. replied to Archeia Luciela's discussion Discussion Room 2 in The Ainu-Ra Group
"dear Sister,this is a excellent vid,so happy to see it here also,love,light,blessings eve."
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