
  • I can not even look at raw meat before i start to feel sick of nausea...

  • YUM! Looks delicious, but I would skip the leek´s though..

  • Yeah could not agree more about that you stomach and body will feel much happier and healthier. Plus, just as you said, gives you more strength and energy. You do not need flesh to get muscles as my twin flame Xzai-On...just protein vegetarian food and daily workout at gym will do the trick. :D

    To adorable picture! <3

  • I agree I used to eat meat. I got sick and stopped. Have not eaten flesh since then. Cabals have manipulated us that there is only protein and iron in meat and not enough or non in vegetables. Spinitch,perslay an allgies give you as much iron as you get from liver. From egg, mushrooms and allgies you get enough protein that you get from meat. That you have to eat flesh to get protein is cabal propaganda, or maby we should call it 3d reptilian propaganda. You also get iron from drinking cocoa warm drink and in other vegetation ingredients. You just need the knowledge where to find them. The knowledge that canals won't tell you about. I will tell you all about this later. Witch ingredient you find protein, iron etc witch is important for the body without eating flesh.
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