More About Orbs & The Angelics!
Gateway Path To Ascension Awareness!
By Star
Welcome Dear Reader, I’ve researched extensively into Orbs, and they are VERY fascinating!
Every orb signature is different... some are lower vibrational whilst others are very high!
Its even more fascinating when one we can tap into certain Orb energy in a photograph and use the process to further enhance OUR own spiritual growth, (via the ascension process) and to HEAL ourselves of the emotional upheaval which happens so often on Earth!
Question: What are Orbs?
Orbs are spherical “lights” or balls of energy, not visible with the naked eye, & appear on film or in photographs when a camera tunes into their frequency wave. They have variable sizes, colours, and can vary in shape! Some orbs are low vibrational energy and others are more rapid and more higher rate!
The most common orb color is misty white!
Please note:
It is known that if the photographer who takes a photo has (at that moment in time) his/her heart open, their awareness levels expand; and they resonate in the 5dimensional frequency,
orb pictures can be taken perfectly!
The Ascended Masters & Orbs
Orbs are all around us, day and night !!!
The Ascended masters were aware of this and the Prophet Mohammed (Peace) told people that such energies were always around whether we could visibly see them or not.
This wonderful prophet encouraged everyone to raise their awareness which is one of the reasons why I wrote this post!
Also I am sure some of us have photo’s of images & orbs.
I have become well acquainted with orbs so well and I am able to see into aspects of them and their details which is a wonderful blessing!
The first picture I ever took of an orb was of my best friend years ago standing outside a Gothic church In London,
later on when i developed the film,
a big red dot appeared in the middle of her body, an orb!
Red orbs indicate a very high energy present ;)
At the time I did not even know what an orb was :D
Now I would consider myself an expert in orb detailing; it was through the process of expansion this was achieved.
This brings me to another good point,
Angelic beings can also be photographed as Orbs or lightbeings!
This is the most amazing because sometimes they want to be seen, and remembered! That is amazing!
Angels are all around us, and I recently found the following images far down below from Diana Cooper's ( “Ascension Through Orbs” Findhorn Press) which is great material, and I encourage you to buy it and find more photo's there.
They are Photo's taken by spiritual people around the globe.
Every Orb in each of the photo’s below can encourage an activation which allows one to access the higher energies from the angelical realm, this is not necessary of course; it all depends on YOU!
By looking at the angel orbs, you can potentially absorb the angelic light and wisdom subconsciously and assist in your spiritual growth and advancement within. See how you feel!
Have a look at the photos below ,
tell me do they have any affect on you?
Peace !
Copyright © 2013 Sitara Ansari. All Rights Reserved.
Does looking at Orbs help your light quotient for ascension?
Certain ones, yes! All the Orbs photos here raise your light levels if you look at them because they are angelical orbs!
- At the top right of picture (1) the white Orb with wings is Mary Magdelene radi-ating heart energy.
- The two Orbs together at the top and one right at the bottom are aspects of El Morya and the two at the bottom are aspects of Serapis Bey.
Picture 1:
A unicorn and an angel of love at a ceremony to say goodbye to the picture taker's grandson whose leaving for the forces.
When you look at photo (2) you receive angelic assistance to help you set your loved ones free.
In this picture angels of Archangels Uriel and Raphael have come into an office where an eighteenth birthday is being celebrated. The angels have brought spirits of loved ones, who have passed, with them.
In this photograph you can clearly see the guardian angel of the lady on the bottom right, protecting her.
The lady in green has the huge Orb of angels of Archangels Uriel and Raphael behind her, which has come to help all the people feel good.
- Archangel Uriel’s angel is offer-ing everyone in the office a sense of assurance about who they are and Archangel Raphael’s is radiating a feeling of prosperity to them.
- The spirits are bringing the message here that there is a higher way of doing things and a reminder that there is a world beyond work!
Picture 4
the Orb is actively radiating and you can tell this by the shape.
It is Archangel Michael with a unicorn and the guardian angel of the mother.
Archangel Michael is protecting the whole family, while the unicorn energy is bringing enlightenment to them all.
The mother’s guardian angel is holding her light steady.
In this happy family picture the Orb is sending energy to the woman to protect her throat chakra and enable her to rise to the fifth dimension.
The Orb has placed itself in the crown of the innocent girl because because she is unconsciously linking to keep her mother in a space of childlike innocence and purity for ascension.
- When you look at picture (4) it activates enlightenment unity.
Orb Pictures and summary of events excerpt from Diana Cooper's “Ascension Through Orbs” Findhorn Press.
i love this post as i am just learnig about orbs as well ever since i read that orbs as well have sent starseeds here as well ..thats facinating. orbs can also be like crystal balls or windows into other dimensions or timelines where u can peer into them and u can see in real time whats happening elsewhere!
Thank you Star You are WONDERFUL!
Yes Kenya, they say there are "starseed" orbs :) Knowing about orbs is expanding awareness! :D
Accidentally taken in living room. There's a bunch of different sizes
oooo looks like someone's sitting on the coach! (a spirit orb) I mean :D
Rune,,, ah its the same same.... orbs !! haha,,, !!
thats so cool they show up together all the time near sun.... !!
the red orb your mum took, we should upload that here,,, too.... next times she is here, i'll ask her :)))
thanks for sharing that pic <33
This is cool ascension and travel by the use of pictures, yes I've seen something like this before but I couldn't understand it. Now It make since. (hi star)
here are orbs, that follows me everyday, and guides me...., my galactic heavenly family, blessings to them,
i can share with you all,,,
these two were over my head , and i downscaled and hit zoom ;))
These were taken tonight while holding a clear quartz crystal generator freshly charged with Reiki which I asked the AA's and ascended masters to offer their energies into the crystal also. I didn't disconnect yet. The funny thing is the house has NO lights on and I couldn't recreate the photo!!!![8114391292?profile=original](
It appears to be lit from the inside.