The Channeller / the Channel, Be your own Channeller & Ascension!
By Star
Ok this blog was long overdue, but here it is!
A list of Cosmic Truths:
The Laws:
- Opening your pineal gland ensures you wont follow the sheep when the lies are read and channelled out in public.
- Your pineal glands main function is to facilitate truth and reveal truths to you.
- Incorporating and integrating the pineal glands function with your higher self is essential if you don’t wish to be mislead.
- Click here/copy link to your URL to know more >
- if a channel or anybody is fake, you see it straight away via your pineal without your ego getting in the way.
- Does the channeller show compassion in their msg?
( I mean in their daily msg do they show compassion for everything?)
- Are the light and the dark, humans, earth, animals ALL treated with respect in the messages?
Chances are then, that message is true
And meant for YOU.
- Some channellings are MEANT for certain people and not for others.
- The channeller is as clean as his /her *channel* (body/mind)… and that fluctuates everyday for everybody.
- The channeller can get it wrong, there is a number of possible exiting realities right now, and your in the perfect one, attracting the message you intended that very day.
- Your responsible for the message you receive. Its LAW. Same as gravity.
- Don’t blame the channeller, its his/her role to play right now in this current reality.
- Blame does not help anybody or any situation. It’s a waste of surplus energy.
- It’s YOUR responsibility to get it right or choose in anyway you want. You’re a master mind.
- Your life and the messages you choose to believe is your responsibility:
(Same as) I am responsible for my own thoughts and what I attract unto me.
- The dark vs. light (is a dualistic way of looking at things)
(Actually when by divine law
the light and dark play their parts wonderfully,
And the light will never say to the dark *your channelling is wrong*, or try to destroy them… noooooo, destroying is unacceptable,)
- But by transmuting their energy into highest good acceptable,
They accept what IS, and move on gracefully. There are no arguments.
- The two play a graceful universal dance everyday,
- And humans have a job to distinguish what standard of living/BEING is best for them.
- You are your own best channeller; you channel everyday as well as channelling energy,
- You’re doing it right now without realising it. ;)
- Ultimately Channellers play a role whichever role you want,and you know just as much in your soul:
Because your all one in the same life force energy!
Love Star.
& someone who explains it well ;)
My Dearest Love Beings,
I have been channeling for a few months now and it is a gift of vision from myself to myself and on a rare occasion for a close friend from a loved one that crossed over. I am channeling my "I AM" presence which as we all awakened and ascended now know that this is your Christ Consciousness. Once you are awake and ascended then "Disclosure is complete". You have learned the TRUTH about who YOU really are. Messages, books, music, visions, etc. are of many ways you may receive channelings from your I AM presence. Listen with ALL OF YOUR HEART! And let it guide you through your days and you will see MIRACLES. Namaste Brothers and Sisters! I LOVE YOU!
Rhiannon Yellow Star
PSSSSS......This is to thank all of my guardians, AA Angels, Ascended Masters, spirit guides, earth-human & animal guardians of the FLAME. Your love and devotion are HONORED by ME, MYSELF, and I. I AM, WE ARE LOVE
This is 100% accurate.
Rhiannon Yellow Star
very helpful reminders star. thank you.
thanks nighteyes ;)