This is a group for all goddess woman and god feminine  around the world to come together NOW  is the time to heal and make steps for a better more harmonious future as one tribe In Lak'ech Ala K'in .


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  • Hi! I acknowledge the goddess feminine within all women but not the god per say.
  • very nice FeatherWinger..thank you so much.  

  •  Feather Winger..I WILL NOT GIVE UP THE SHIP!!!  IT IS MY HONOR AND PRIVILEGE TO HAVE THE GIFT OF LIGHT…NO MATTER WHAT THE CHALLENGE..  HOLDING STEADFAST..   thank you dearest sister for your encouragement..for guiding me to learn the art of healing…and most of ALL YOUR LOVE..  busy cleaning/clearing on myself inside out…my new found attitude is first and foremost GRATITUDE~  Huge Hugs to you Feather..and wish ALL LOVE/LIGHT/PEACE/JOY~  YAY..TEAM~ rounding 3D base..heading for home~       jsb  (**)>*******<(**)  

  • It should have worked when I checked in originally..ended up being called Delusional..Stupid and a Liar..  even if that was true..I KNOW IT IS did diminish the efficacy of a site devoted to Unconditional Love..evolving toward higher frequencies of Light..and why we call ourselves ‘lightworkers’ or ‘healers’..I remain here steadfast..not frightened away by insults.  I can, and have been a conduit for healing others in need..

    .and if anyone knows true healing ways..hope i will find them soon.  In Unity of Healing..THERE IS STRENGTH..POWER..TO RAISE ALL one should be left behind~  NOW IS THE TIME~




  • ut081.jpg blank.gif "The Strength card affirms that my alter ego today is the seductive beast of my Animagus, whose superpower is to master self-control to tame fears or impulses to prove of what stuff I'm made. I boldly go... but a willful heart is part of my secret identity. My infinite fortitude is seen by what I do, sacrifice or defy to stand up for what I feel is right, including admitting when I'm wrong, keeping out of it or not dignifying responses provoked by moral cowards and brutes. When resolve is tested I draw on the courage of my true character from the more savage or humble virtues of my natural instincts to maintain objective by composure. This enables me to hold my tongue against bravado, repress claws at empty threats, and not turn tail in pride against passion when it's hard or inconvenient, but to persuade through self-restraint until assimilation is complete or resistance is futile."


  • I love music from Dean Evenson! I meditate and relax on his music Healing Water and Ocean Dreams
  • I love music from Dean Evenson! I meditate and relax on his music Healing Water and Ocean Dreams
  • so now i know more about you..and how it is that what happens in your situation affects you..or not.

    unfortunately…what i have simply attempted to express has fallen on closed ears.  of the many to whom i had reached…strangely the only discourse has been with you…  and i am back to ‘square’ numero uno.  

    it was not a ‘generalization’ to say I LOVE PERFECTION..I WAS REFERRING TO MY CAT…

    where I notice can you know what I realize or learn about all of that?  you cannot…that is why I AM A FINE ARTIST..and earned the credentials by active participation in a kind of ’theosophy’ rarely understood…my call to you could have been a wake-up call..but you choose to stay in the middle…put the ear plugs in..  you were thinking ‘bad things happen all the time’…that you have cried enough now..choose to laugh..not react.  

    Being PROACTIVE..REACTIVE..OR INACTIVE are three totally different choices.

    when nothing is proactive attempt is made to undo any kind of harm that is caused to innocent people..bad things will continue to happen.

    good for you if what you choose makes YOU FEEL happy~


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Mary Magdalene-~Honor The Vibratory Frequencies Coming Into The Planet This Time - Love Has Won.

August 13, 2017FCGCT Commentary: These frequencies are meant to be processed with the Heart, not the mind. They are energies of love, and bringing your body, your Heart, your spirit and your soul back to balanceSpecial Commentary from LoveHasWon ~ Are you feeling stuck, blocked, confused, doubtful, need some inspiration, joy, need an update on your ascension status, help with raising your frequency, connecting in more with your angels and guides, and get your surprises too. You can schedule a…

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what being a goddess means to me..

foot massages , head massages from my best friends,painting nails, having a warm soaky bubble bath,reading an inspiring book, talking to fun people,talking and walking my truth,inspires my inner goddess...i love a good pamper session; and meditation and there's just tooo many things to list here....eek, i just felt like writingcos its that time of the monthmore a goddess now then ever!!what works for you girlies?...what makes you feel all godly?

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5 Replies

Recent Activity

Dr. SohiniBen Shukla posted a discussion in The Goddess Heart Group
August 13, 2017FCGCT Commentary: These frequencies are meant to be processed with the Heart, not…
Aug 14, 2017
Divine Willpower replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"I used to have satin sheets.. "Awe..." I said every time I jumped in bed! 
..if only more men would…"
Jun 20, 2012
Divine Willpower replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"What better time than "flow time" to flow your divine feminine as the STAR that you are?! 
This is…"
Jun 20, 2012
STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"lol.... well i must say buddha on a harley bike, how do u meditate riding? lol
need to know this…"
May 31, 2012
STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"hahahaha AA michael's awesome; )
ooo you biker chick!!
all that adrenaline on the bike;
so fun!! <3"
May 30, 2012
STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"mmm silk, yesssssssss i had a pair of blue silk comfty  pjamas, but i left em in england lol
May 30, 2012
STAR* posted a discussion in The Goddess Heart Group
foot massages , head massages from my best friends,painting nails, having a warm soaky bubble…
May 30, 2012