what being a goddess means to me..

foot massages , head massages from my best friends,

painting nails, having a warm soaky bubble bath,

reading an inspiring book, talking to fun people,

talking and walking my truth,

inspires my inner goddess...

i love a good pamper session; and meditation and there's just tooo many things to list here....

eek, i just felt like writing

cos its that time of the month

more a goddess now then ever!!

what works for you girlies?...what makes you feel all godly?


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  • I used to have satin sheets.. "Awe..." I said every time I jumped in bed! 

    ..if only more men would embrace the God(dess) within -the divine feminine. So many men still stuck in their illusion of being "men" in that they mustn't "feel" or certainly show that they "feel" anything -they mustn't be sensitive at all?! Somehow this means they are "queer" or something?! Uggh. . . 

    . . .all these old ways are falling away because of those of us truly shining our full spectrum nature! You two FW and STAR do this sooooooo well! :) :) :) 

  • What better time than "flow time" to flow your divine feminine as the STAR that you are?! 

    This is very beautiful STAR! You are sharing more here than you realize beyond the verbiage to those that are sensitive. 

    Thank you for BEing YOU! :) :) :) 


  • lol.... well i must say buddha on a harley bike, how do u meditate riding? lol

    need to know this secret, lol <3

  • hahahaha AA michael's awesome; )

    ooo you biker chick!!

    all that adrenaline on the bike;

    so fun!! <3

  • mmm silk, yesssssssss i had a pair of blue silk comfty  pjamas, but i left em in england lol

    cotton ones now ;)

    ah yeh moderations gone out the door, but if stalker comes knocking... thats it we are back to moderation lol


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"I used to have satin sheets.. "Awe..." I said every time I jumped in bed! 
..if only more men would…"
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STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"lol.... well i must say buddha on a harley bike, how do u meditate riding? lol
need to know this…"
May 31, 2012
STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"hahahaha AA michael's awesome; )
ooo you biker chick!!
all that adrenaline on the bike;
so fun!! <3"
May 30, 2012
STAR* replied to STAR*'s discussion what being a goddess means to me.. in The Goddess Heart Group
"mmm silk, yesssssssss i had a pair of blue silk comfty  pjamas, but i left em in england lol
May 30, 2012
STAR* posted a discussion in The Goddess Heart Group
foot massages , head massages from my best friends,painting nails, having a warm soaky bubble…
May 30, 2012