An online Kabbalah study group

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My knowledge of the Kabbalah is limited, thus the study group. Feel free to post any good links or information you feel is worthwhile study material.

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  • nice view on kabbalah in this video

  • aww thank you MOL; well u know my real name does mean STAR too , and my surname translates to *helper of light*... how cooincidental is that...

    and its my birthdayyyyyyyyy week thissssssss week and venussssss transittttttttttttt we are all good to go :D

    we can all party later <3

  • thanks for the link obi!!


  • so far i like part three and fourthis is the play list link videos of the pamphlet i have from 1933 put out by the theosophy company on the kabalah and kabalahist

  • Thank you for beautiful picture, Star. May we be blessed to connect to the sefirot Tifferet / beauty. Open our Eyes that we may See the gifts of Glory that surround us. May we be blessed to hear the whisperings of our Neshama to guide us to manifest Heaven here. May our feet connect to the heartbeat of our beloved Home, let us bless the Earth in all her glory! Binah, Binah Binah! May our hearts be filled with Love and our thoughts directed to the Ein Sof... Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adoni yeshabayach! Thank you, my beloved friends in joining your holy Energy with mine.
  • 8114201455?profile=original

  • wow now that is a mantra for the kabalah class;

    Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adoni yeshabayach!

    I agree with the thoughts are things, and yes definately we as humans have amazing potential to become much like our creator!

    Our creator loved us so much, creator allowed us free will to explore ourselves... what a great, marvelous creator, and what a beautiful world we are given.

    May all humanity one day reach that level of enlightenment and inner peace, until then we shall move forward daily with our mantras and prayers of gratitude, kabalah will aid us further in understanding the nature of the world, god, and each other.

    <3 love!!

  • Beloved Ones, Shalom... beautiful Star thank you so much for the clarity you bring with your words. I love the way you inspire me to think. Binah! Yes I too think that we have capacity to achieve Similarity of Form. In fact I believe that is our 'mission', to become as much like Our Creator as we can. Endless Light. By having Intention of our thoughts and actions we can indeed begin to have influence on our reality, transforming into what we Want, and not just we are used to doing. Be Aware of the Thoughts for they shape your World. Feel good and be Happy. Think the highest, loftiest thoughts you can... Or chant Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adoni yeshabayach. Blessings to you... May you hear the Angels sing!
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Using the English Cipher (the particular one used by Marty Leeds which I recommend you search on YouTube), I'm decoding Life and how it is created within us.YEAR = 13MONTH = 17WEEK = 17DAY = 713 + 17 + 17 + 7 = 64 = DNA, I-Ching, Chess Board, etc.DAY = 7NIGHT = 2626 + 7 = 33 = Degrees in FreemasonryAdd 64 and 26, and you will get 90, as in 90 degrees of a square - the representation of the Body (Microcosm) and Earth (Macrocosm). 

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Dark Kabbalah and the Gateway to Baphomet

People in the New Age movement now days talk of unconditional light without getting pass the darkness known as Choronzon, or as the late Robert Anton Wilson calls "Chapel Perilous". Choronzon is known as the Abyss that resides in the Da'ath sephirot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and its number is 333. It was originally conceived of as a demon discovered by magicians Edward Kelly and John Dee. It would later be defined as an obstacle of enlightenment according to Aleister Crowley and his…

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